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Thread: 67S restoration what a blast!

  1. #1

    67S restoration what a blast!

    Instead of posting all the same info twice, I started a thread over at the pelican on how I do the restoration process of the 911 body.

    comments? enjoy , Damon @ SERIES 900

  2. #2
    Excellent work Damon. Great attention to detail.
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  3. #3
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Nice work Damon. I have a 67S that will be going through the same process in a few months. Mine, although, has had considerable cancer in the rocker and longitudinal areas. The floors seem fine, but will probably replace anyway. Any info you have that I may want to ask or check with on my frame guy would be appreciative. Also, notice you use restoration designs sheetmetal. WHat do you think (quality and fit)? Just talked with Bill last week. Sounds like they make a nice product.
    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
    68 911L Burgandy Red R Gruppe #388
    72 911S Coupe, Sepia Brown

  4. #4
    mjmoran writes:

    Any info you have that I may want to ask or check with on my frame guy would be appreciative. Also, notice you use restoration designs sheetmetal. WHat do you think (quality and fit)? Just talked with Bill last week. Sounds like they make a nice product.

    the best you can do is look for someone with the Celette Jigs, it maintains the proper location of all suspension points for reassembly, if not, it is a roll of the dice. Meaning one has to continully check all openings for proper fit; doors,suspension etc. The critical measuremant from the outside front A arm to the forward crossmember is 19.56" . I have found pans that fit the jigs, however they did not fit the gastank opening, nor the front bulkhead correctly. there is fudge factor in the front a arm mounting, however, good enough is not always for the purist. Factory parts fit, aftermarket parts always need a bit of this and that. Restoration Design seem to be the best in aftermarket.

    Damon @ SERIES 900
    Sunapee NH

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