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Thread: Ignition problem

  1. #1

    Ignition problem

    I am a fairly new owner of a 1973 911E and I'm having an ignition problem. When I insert my key I can turn the key far enough for the radio and headlights to go on but no further. I can't get the car to start because I can't physically turn the key to spark it up. I've tried three different keys so I don't think that's it, and I've tried a little lubrication with no luck. Any suggestions?


    D. Goodwin

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Portland, OR

    Re: Ignition problem

    Originally posted by DGood
    I am a fairly new owner of a 1973 911E and I'm having an ignition problem. When I insert my key I can turn the key far enough for the radio and headlights to go on but no further. I can't get the car to start because I can't physically turn the key to spark it up. I've tried three different keys so I don't think that's it, and I've tried a little lubrication with no luck. Any suggestions?


    D. Goodwin
    What have you tried as a lube?

    My '73 ignition switch became very difficult to operate. I spoke with my locksmith who sold me a can of "Trilube". After two applications, I won't say it is like new, but the phrase "almost like new" leaps to mind every time I start the car. I asked him why this was the stuff to use. He told me that other lubes commonly used (like WD-40) work for a while but leave a residue that hardens and eventually gums everything up. Supposdly this lubricant does not have that property. Time will tell.

    Good luck.

    Member #789
    1970 VW Sunroof Kombi Bus - "The Magic Bus"
    1973.5 911T Targa for fun - "Smokey"
    2009 MB C300

  3. #3

    Re: Ignition Problem

    Thanks, I'll give that a try.


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