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Thread: matching numbers

  1. #1

    matching numbers

    Can someone tell me if this information makes sense:
    Silver 1970 911s : made 3/70 (stamped on driver door)
    vin 9110301274
    Engine number 6301713
    The VIN and the Engine numbers match but
    according to some of the sources I have read it would mean that this car was made in 1969 but might be sold as a 1970 model. But the info on the drivers door clearly states 3/70 as date of manufactory.

    Also what are the significance of these numbers stamped on various parts of the engine:
    cooling fan housing : 9011061015R
    middle airstack on Right: 911 110303R
    rear of Right cylinder bank: 911402

    Thanks for any enlightenment.

  2. #2
    Everything looks correct to me.

    Your vin number 9110301274 would suggest this car was probably built around 3/70 because even though production started in late 69' it would finish in 70' for the 70' model year and your car was the 1274th one off the assembly line so to speak. (cars didn't actually come off the line sequentially) There were 1,744 S Coupes for 70' so your car was built nearing the end of production year 1970.

    Also what are the significance of these numbers stamped on various parts of the engine:
    cooling fan housing : 9011061015R
    middle airstack on Right: 911 110303R

    Both these numbers are casting part numbers.

    rear of Right cylinder bank: 911402

    I think you may have mis-read this number. It's probably 911/02 which would be the motor type number. 911/02 signifies a 2.2S motor.
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the info.
    I have another question:
    when the car is cold or recently started it is very easy to shift; in fact it is almost like shifting butter.
    However, when the car has warmed up it gets very hard to shift.
    Not hard such as grinding the gears but just hard and requires a fair amount force to shift into gears especially first and second.
    Any ideas?
    Could it be the synchros? I thought the tranny had to grind if they are going bad.
    Or could it be a linkage problem or just the tranny going bad.
    Otherwise the car runs well with no evidence of the slippage.

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