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Thread: Wheel Questions

  1. #1

    Wheel Questions

    Calling all wheel/tire experts!

    For some reason, my RS has what I think are early early 6" wheels on the front. I'm not an expert on the early vintages, but I assume that these are what're referred to as "deep" 6s, since the 5 spokes have a pronounced curve inward at their OD, making for a deep groove just inside the outer rim. They definitely look different from the 6s with which I'm more familiar, that are basically flat between the outer part of the spoke and the rim. My questions are:

    1) Am I correct that these are the early wheels referred to as "deep"?

    2) What was the last year that these were used in production?

    3) Is there any possibility that Porsche would have put them on a car as late as '73?

    4) I've been told they are meant to be used with tubes - any fundament issues with using them with tubeless tires?

    5) Are these wheels worth more or less than the later 911 6X15?

    Thanks for the help,

  2. #2
    Deep 6's were fitted from 69-71. The 72/73 2.4 liter cars used a fuchs that had less of a dish to it, even though both wheels were 6X15. The 73RS used the same non deep dish as the 72/73 cars. The deeps have a nicer look to them than the later 72/73 wheels. It is very doubtful that Porsche installed the deep 6's on the RS. A previous owner probably installed them.
    With the right vave stem, they can run without tubes.
    Deep 6's seem to always bring more $$. There is no performance gain, only a little cooler looking.
    Welcome to the board.......
    Rick Cabell

  3. #3
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    I just looked at a 71S, that I was considering purchasing. The car has shallow 6's on it. I assume this was wrong, till I checked the date stamp on the wheels, which was 4/71.

    Just a little more minutia......


  4. #4
    You are right. The last of the 71 cars had the later, 72/73 wheel.

  5. #5
    There are 2 ways to identify a deep-dish rim.

    The rim is deeper than a later 6" rim, about 40mm v 25mm
    On the back of the rim the spokes have a small web,
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  6. #6
    3 ways actually:

    If my memory serves, part no. 901.361.012.06

  7. #7

    for the...

    absolute early fuchs wheel discusion on the planet...(I have noticed that pelican has linked this/our thread often)

    The definitive early 6J X 15 Fuchs informational thread was created here.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  8. #8
    Thanks folks - what I don't know seems to fill volumes.

    Can I assume that the only 7" wheel existing in 1970 was the so-called "R" wheel with the extra inch on the inside?

    I'am aware that these are rare and expensive - what's the going price if found?

    I also seem to recall that the later 7s and 8s also come in an earlier and later version, the later having a different center diameter requiring a center cap with 2 "pull-holes". Is this correct, and what are all the various part numbers?

    I think what I'd like to do is put the deep 6s from the RS (that don't belong there) on the front of my 914-6, put the correct year 7s on the back of the 6, sell the 4 perfect late 7s now on the 6, put the sevens from the rear of the RS on the front, and get correct year 8s for the back of the RS. What a mouthful...

    Thanks lots,

  9. #9
    I had to read that a few times. We are all on the same page.
    Sound like the best thing to do.

  10. #10

    More Cars...

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Soterik
    [B]I just looked at a 71S, that I was considering purchasing....

    Eric? Did we replenish the budget...??? Is my toolkit on its way back to me yet?????
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

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