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Thread: Seine shift kit

  1. #1

    Question Seine shift kit

    has any1 used the Seine shift kit w/ a 915 housing on their 901 shifter?....what are your thoughts?...shifting my 70 T can sometimes be a guessing game....Any thing else out there for improvements to an orig. 901?..thnx :

  2. #2
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    La Jolla, CA
    A little searching would go a long way towards answering your question. See this link or go to the company's website.

    The short answer is "Yes", but making sure all the bushings in your linkage are sound and the adjustment is right will go a long way towards improving the shift action of a 901 box as well.
    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  3. #3
    Joel, the 901 came in two versions - does your 1970 911T have a four-speed? If so, then I'm afraid from my read of the company tech data that you are out of luck. The site discusses modifications to the 915 product that allow it to work on the 901, but indicates five-speed, nothing about four-speed.

    My 1970 T, alas, is a four-speed. I really, really need a 3-4 gate spring bias!
    1970 911 T
    1977 911 S

  4. #4
    thanx..will do a search....and it does have the 5 spd....

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