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Thread: Rennsport Reunion II Caravan

  1. #1
    Senior Member CurtEgerer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sunshine State

    Rennsport Reunion II Caravan

    Rennsport Reunion II - April 23/24/25, 2004 Daytona Speedway

    Cornpanzer and I are organizing a caravan to Rennsport Reunion II. I'm in Michigan, Dave is in Ohio and we'll be planning a route from there to Daytona. We plan to arrive in Daytona on Thursday afternoon/evening. While we hope to attract as many fellow R-Gruppe members as possible, the caravan is open to all Early S members as well.

    The Official Hotel is the Ramada Inn Speedway, directly across from the track.

    Ramada Inn Speedway
    1798 West International Speedway Boulevard
    Daytona Beach, FL 32114 United States of America
    Phone: 386-255-2422 Fax: 386-253-1749

    They currently have rooms available. I recommend booking your room ASAP!!!! $89 per night. The Hampton Inn next door is already completely booked, so don't wait too long!

    More details will be posted as we figure them out regarding the route. We'd like to setup a few meeting points along the way and pickup as many Porsches as possible. We'll probably be somewhere around Nashville on Wednesday evening.

    As an attendee at Rennsport Reunion I in Lime Rock, I can assure you this will be well worth the effort and expense!! If you're into Porsches, you can't afford to miss this. Keep an eye on Pelican, the Early S BBS and the R-Gruppe website for further details. -- Curt

  2. #2
    Since we are getting closer to the Big Weekend now (Whoo-hoo!!) I thought I'd bump Curt's thread. I'm sure the caravans across the Southeast will pick up people along the way so I thought this might be a good place to let people know timeframes and locations.

    I know there will be a large group leaving out of the Charlotte area Thursday morning the 22nd. The meeting place is the South Carolina Welcome Station on I-77 about 9a.m. Through some emails with Curt and Cornpanzer we are possibly hooking up with their group in the Columbia SC area. I'd expect to be there around 10:30 - 11a.m. which would put us at the I-95/I-26 intersection about 12:15. I've hear the Charlotte group wants to stop in Walterboro SC for lunch. Not sure where or what time that will be yet.

    These times are all guesstimates, but if anyone wants to try to get together drop me an email and we can exchange mobile numbers to get in touch along the way.
    Tom Morgan
    Charlotte, NC
    '18 Carrera T - R #368, S #692
    1973 Giulia Super 1.3

  3. #3
    Sounds good to me. I'll be leaving greensboro around 6:45 or 7 then I belive. I've only got an apt. but anyone who's coming down through greensboro is welcome to crash at my place wens. night. email me for any details tim @
    1973 T

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