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Thread: starting...

  1. #1
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Angry starting...

    OK.. I just did a carb rebuild and in the meantime, cleaned up the engine compartment while there was nice access. The intakes and engine shroud were removed and all fuel lines replaced as well as all soft oil lines. Also a valve adj. and plugs were checked for gap and cleanliness.
    Now, I cant start her back up. I am getting spark, the fuel pump is pumping, I have her set for 0 adv right now untill I get her started to check with timing adv light. All I get is turning over. fast, slow, fast, slow......I do not have any starting fluid (never needed it in the past) although it is quite cold here. Any suggestions? tests?

    BTW, this is on the 67 S
    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
    68 911L Burgandy Red R Gruppe #388
    72 911S Coupe, Sepia Brown

  2. #2
    The engine needs three things to run; air, fuel and spark. To check for fuel (since this is the system you worked on), remove the air cleaner housing, then look down the throats of each intake with a flashlight (engine OFF). Work the throttle and you should see the accelerator pump squirt fuel into the air passage. If there's no squirt, that could be an indication you're either not getting fuel into the carbs or into the air passage from the float bowls.

    BTW, the engine should turn over evenly. Uneven cranking could mean the timing is off. You dead timed the distributor?

    Let us know,

  3. #3
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Yes, dead timed the dist. I have not installed the air cleaners yet as I will need to adj the carbs... I am getting spark from the coil, and there is fuel flowing into the carbs. I could be off on the timing though. I aligned TDC by the first of the two marks on the flywheel that are within a cm of each other. When I removed the dist to clean it I forgot on the 67 there are about 5 marks on the this the wrong mark? If so, which mark is for TDC and for 5deg adv.?
    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
    68 911L Burgandy Red R Gruppe #388
    72 911S Coupe, Sepia Brown

  4. #4
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    603 the words of Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as Stupid does"!!! All is well now. Just goes to show that all the planning in the world and all the double checking of all the big stuff, sometimes one forgets the little things. Just add me to that list. Thanks.

    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
    68 911L Burgandy Red R Gruppe #388
    72 911S Coupe, Sepia Brown

  5. #5
    Glad to hear all is well. Don't worry about it. I don't think anyone here has been immune from the "duhs" (or is that "dohs"?).


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