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Thread: 901 361 012 04 deep six alloys?

  1. #1

    901 361 012 04 deep six alloys?

    I recently saw a set of deep six rims. The part number stamped on the rim is 901 361 012 04. I have always thought the deep six rim part number ended in 06.
    They have the fox stamp, appear to be the same dimensions as 06 deep six rims, and have the web on the rear.
    Can anyone tell me the difference? Are they worth more, or less?

    Ray Crawford
    Early S Registry #271
    R Gruppe #255
    '70 911 S Coupe 2.9 w/MFI Twin Plug "Flairs n Chairs"
    '72 911 S Targa 2.4 w/MFI

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I think the 5½ inch rim was a one year only wheel in 1968 before it went to the 06 part number of the deep 6.

    Value I would think would be similar to the 6 but it seems this rim is more desirable to the VW community. Much in the same way as the 4.5 rims in that they can fit under the arches a little better.


  4. #4

    6 X 15

    Thanks for info. However, I did look at the rims again. They ALL have a 6 X 15 stamp on them, in addition to the part number and fox head. Why would the parts book say 04 is a 5.5" rim, when the rims are stamped 6 X 15?
    Ray Crawford
    Early S Registry #271
    R Gruppe #255
    '70 911 S Coupe 2.9 w/MFI Twin Plug "Flairs n Chairs"
    '72 911 S Targa 2.4 w/MFI

  5. #5

    the Porsche wheel expert

    Porsche wheel questions are quickly answered by the esteemed and world renouned Harvey Weidman. He can be reached at 530-534-7903 or at:
    (No financial interest just friend and a very satisfied customer)
    Ed Barnett
    Ed Barnett
    RGruppe #124
    Northern California Racing Club
    American Racing Club
    Member, Northwest Hillclimb Association

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