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Thread: Please explain carpet options to me

  1. #1

    Please explain carpet options to me

    I want to (have to) replace the carpet in the 911. The orginal was tan as were the seats. Seems like the headliner is tan as well because I can't find any white even if I look under the dome lights. I beleive the car was pretty well optioned up as someone here just informed me that the 8383 (green) paint was an upgrade.

    So, what do you think the carpet was made of? And what do I look for in ordering? Who should I order it from? What should I aviod? I want it to look exceptional. I'm not interested in a light weight RS kit. (Sorry, might look good in your hot rod, but not my stock machine).

    As a side note, I had a '77 Targa for 15 years and it was optioned up as well. The carpet was real soft and sort of a long fiber (pile). The floor carpet had already been replaced with something else when I got the car. Did carpet change from the early 911 to the mid year cars? This stuff was plush, not for snow country.

    Give me a bunch of advice here guys. I need it.

  2. #2
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Re: Please explain carpet options to me

    Originally posted by Zeke
    I want it to look exceptional.
    If you want it to be good, just drive down to Escondido and leave it at Autos International. Leave your wallet with them, and when you come back it will be t!ts.

    If you're trying to stay on a budget, talk to them about carpet kits and do it yourself, maybe? They have the knowledge to steer you to the right materials.

    Here's a clip from their site:

    Carpet (sold by the running yard)
    Domestic loop carpet (D - series)
    Domestic cut pile carpet (DC - series)
    German Square weave carpet, as used in 356 models (G -series)
    German Velour carpet, as used in 1969-73 models (V - series)
    German Sliver knit carpet, as used in late 900 series (SL- series)
    German Perlon Carpet, used for trunk sets and some carpet sets (
    Domestic Perlon carpet, used for trunk sets and some carpet sets
    Domestic needle punch carpet, used in 1974-76 models

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
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  3. #3


    Hey Milt,
    For 1970, E's and S's standard carpet was 'Velour'. You had a choice of Black, Brown, or Beige. A T ordered with the appearance group also came with the 'Velour' carpet, otherwise 'Perlon' was standard.
    Your 8383 Metallic Green was listed as: optional at extra cost.

    Paul, sithot Tom, and Larry,
    Irish Green (1515/1510, coupe/targa),
    Conda Green (2626/2610),
    Metallic Green (8383/8310),
    Signal Green (7878/7810)
    Leaf Green (7777/7710)
    Green Turquoise (6565/6510)
    The last four were listed as: optional at extra cost.
    I'm pretty sure that this is correct for 1970, not sure which other years used the four digit paint codes.
    HTH. Take care.

  4. #4
    Velour........., is that the same ans German square weave? I only see Perlon and GSW on the AI site. (Well, plus domestic pile, but that's not gonna happen) Sorry to be so ignorant about something seemingly pretty simple.

  5. #5
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
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    911 S and E Black (charcole grey) velour

    911T Black or Brown perlon

    911T could be ordered with 'S' options though.

    8310/8383 Metalic Green was a standard color for 1970 on both coupe and Targa. Although, this color seems to be a one year only color.

    All this info from the Porsche 911 Red Book. A nice littel reference chock full of interesting info for restoration.
    ISBN 0-7603-0723-7
    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
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  6. #6
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Zeke
    Velour........., is that the same ans German square weave? I only see Perlon and GSW on the AI site. (Well, plus domestic pile, but that's not gonna happen) Sorry to be so ignorant about something seemingly pretty simple.
    Velour is not the same as Squareweave. Velour is a dense, luxurious cut pile, while squareweave is a loop carpet with visible space between the loops. The "charcoal" velour actually had black and silver threads.

    Perlon is sort of like felt.

    The first 911s had Velour in the people compartment and squareweave in the trunk.

    Autos International used to sell a “catalog” for $ 5.00 which was actually a complete set of carpet, leather, and vinyl samples. I’m not sure of the current price.

  7. #7
    My bad. I just saw the Velour on the AI site. It was Pelican that didn't list it. And that must have been velour in my Targa, although they list it as used in the 69-73 cars. I know what to do now, thanks gentlemen.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    I'm getting ready to do carpeting in my 73.5. I know that you have to send a child and a pile of gold bars to Tony. I've used him in the past. Now I need to know what is the original carpeting for a 73.5. I'm not doing the lightweight stuff. I want the real deal - just the way the factory did it?

    Name:  DSC_0691.jpg
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    I don't want any trouble from the Carpet Police. What should I be using?

    Richard Newton

  9. #9
    member #1515
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    Is there any difference between what Tony provides as velour and what Autos International provide?
    I replaced mine about 20 years ago, but I can't remember who I got the kit from. Not all that difficult.

    '73 S Targa #0830 2.7 MFI rebuilt to RS specs

  10. #10
    If you have used him in the past you know to use him again now....I haven't found his pricing to be expensive at all.... you get what you pay for.

    I bought a LHD kit from him a few months back the salt and pepper he provides (and maybe others too) is as close to factory as I have seen
    with great pile density just like original.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

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