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Thread: Is this ally panel NOS or repro?

  1. #1

    Question Is this ally panel NOS or repro?

    No part number or date on it. Thanks in advance!
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  2. #2
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  3. #3

    I have seen these as reproductions. (Not saying yours is) The repros that I have seen are in raw alluminum. The originals that I have seen are in green primer. The original also has two reinforcing backing plates for the licence plate mounting. I do not see any numbers on my original. Either way I do not think there is a big deal even if it was a repro.



  4. #4



    Your correct, all original Porsche replacement body parts came in a olive drab or light pale green zinc type primer coating with a paper part number tag maroon in color with white crest, lettering and blank for black part number and decription. Original Porsche replacement body panels were NEVER bare metal.
    I started with Porsche in 1972 in the parts dept. as a parts delivery driver and remember very well picking up many a body panel at the PORSCHE/Audi parts depot in Culver City and delivering to body shops back then. After thirty one years, I still work for Porsche at PORSCHE Newport Beach as Service Manager.
    Hope this helps.
    Ian, please email or PM me. I need some help finding the Fulda
    185/70 & 215/60 tires.

    All the best!

    Roger Grago
    R Gruppe # 27
    73 RS-T
    70 2.4MFI VW Bus

  5. #5


    just a note of caution. I believe that the seller of that item is Wayne Kreiger, owner of History is available and research recommended.

    "There be dragons here." Shawn.
    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  6. #6
    Thanks a lot for letting me know.


  7. #7
    Parts Heaven used to sell these by the boatload. Ferdy (sp?) Huergas was in an add that I'm sure most of us have seen. It was a picture of his 73RS replica and the list of parts they supplied.
    I bought one from them. The downside was the the "tabs" on the back were glued on and didn't hold up too well. I think a little tack welding was in order.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  8. #8
    How much do the Al panels weigh?

  9. #9
    Very little. The repops are heavier gauge but still light although not as light as factory. Sorry, I don't have one to weigh for you.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  10. #10
    Tom, I had the same problem with an aluminum panel from Parts Heaven, one of the tabs popped off with very slight pressure, they replaced it as though they had heard of the problem before. Other than that, it seemed to fit well.
    Bruce Herrmann
    '73 911S

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