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Thread: VIN sticker on door jamb

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Dallas, TX

    VIN sticker on door jamb


    I asked this question a while back on the Pelican Board but didn't get a definitive answer.

    Are the original gray VIN stickers on the door jamb available? I was told that the black ones are, but not the gray. Since we have some professional restorers here, what do you do during full repaints? Do you mask off that area or can you get a new sticker?


    P.S. A search for "sticker" didn't reveal anything here.
    '73 911S targa

  2. #2
    I'm not sure about color but it is my understanding that you can get another sticker although their are some "hoops" to jump through.
    I would contact PCA or Porsche Cars of North America. I'm sure the person who does the Certificates of Authenticity has more information on this subject.

    Good luck,

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  3. #3
    Those stickers are available, last time I checked they were 85.00 and you had to provide lots of info to prove you owned the car. I think they are black, not the originals but I'd like to be wrong.

    If I was doing a repaint, I'd try to mask it. Don't know if you could remove it and get it back on and look right. Anybody know about that?

    Bruce Herrmann
    '73 911S

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    When I had another car repainted which had a similar sticker the shop placed a strong clear film over the label and lifted it off completely.

    The holes make the inside of the letters and numbers very delicate so a film over the top keps them all together.

    I cannot remember the name of the product, but I'm sure 3M have something suitable in their range.

    Getting in the film off afterwards was also a very delicate process but it only took time with little risk of damage.


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