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Thread: larger cylinders?

  1. #1

    larger cylinders?

    i was wondering if it was possible to put larger cylinders and pistons on my 68 911 engine. if so what would i need other than the cylinders and pistons. also where is the best place to get parts online. and does anyone know of a good porsche shop (not dealer) is in the mid west.
    any info is greatly appretiated.

  2. #2
    Your intentions are good, but to increase to displacement in a 2.0 liter engine is not that simple. The 2.0 liter uses a real head gasket. As soon as you go to 2.2 or higher, there is machine work to be done. The head gasket is replaced by a CE ring.
    Anything is do able, but be ready to spend some $$.

  3. #3
    As far as online parts, there are many. Pelican parts is pretty popular, and the owner is a real Porsche person.
    As far as mid west connections, someone else will have to chim in, as I am in New England

  4. #4
    would i just find CE rings for what ever size jugs that i get then get the case and jug machined?

  5. #5
    The case and cylinder head would need to be machined. The larger cylinders you choose will already have the groove in the top for the CE ring.

  6. #6
    By far the cheapest way to increase displacement on a 2.0L mag case engine is to replace it with a larger displacement motor.

    The problem is that once you tear down the motor you'd be risking having to do it over again if you don't have the case prepped for a total rebuild. The magnesium cases tend to distort over the years as they go through heat cycles. The chances of having a non-leaking motor after a P+C replacement is not good if the case hasn't been addressed.

    As Rick stated the heads would have to be machined to accept 84mm (2.2L) P+C set. It's that or replace the heads with 2.2/2.4L ones.

    When you consider that the P+C set will run you atleast $2k and the machine work could run you another $1500 and you still haven't added in the cost of gaskets and other small items you're already north of $3500. The price of a decent used 3.0L.

    I'm not trying to discourage you. I'm just trying to give you an idea what you might be in for trying to increase the displacement of your current motor.

    It can be done. It just won't be cheap.

    By the way, a good book to pick up would be Bruce Andersons' "Porsche 911 Performance Handbook". It gives several alternatives for increasing the performance of all the 911 air cooled motors 2.0L thru 3.6L.
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  7. #7

    Extra Performance Options

    If you have a stock 911 (non- S engine - i.e. 130hp) and are looking to increase hp while keeping your original engine, there are a few possibilities you might consider for under $3k that would give you something close to a 2.0S 160hp engine by only having to do a top end rebuild.
    As you probably already know, alot of potential hp is in the heads themselves. The 2.0L normal stock P&C compression ratio is 9.1:1, whereas the S has a 9.8:1 compression ratio. Both use biral cylinders. You could buy a new set of JE pistons for around $1k and have your original cylinders machined/honed to match to the new pistons. Next, the early 2.0l heads had very small intake and exhaust ports. Have your machine shop open the ports to 36mm in/35mm ex (I think that was S spec) and have the heads chambers bench flowed - preferably by someone who knows what they're doing. The machine work will probably cost you another $1k, but will be worth the extra hp. Have your carb's re-jetted and buy a set of 36/40 intake manifolds for your carb's (assuming you are running Webers) to get more airflow. PMO charges around $350 for a new set, or you can have yours ported out for a few hundred. Just by those changes, you will have something very close to a 160hp 2.0 911S but with a little more torque down in the rpm range as a result of running the 911E cams to offset the smaller valve sizes.
    By the way. I am assuming that you currently have a 68 911 non-T engine, with a counterbalanced crank. If not, you may want tyo look for a good used 2.4E engine. They are cheaper than S engines and the stock 2.4E engine is almost as good up top as a 2.2S, but with more torque in lower rpm range....

  8. #8
    thanks for all the info guys. i have one more question, would a solex or S cams help me out with hp? is it worth the money?

  9. #9

    Solex or S cams?

    If you have a stock 68 2.0 liter 911L engine, you already have solex cams. S cams with their higher lift and duration will give you a more peak hp than solex cams, but not much. Most people prefer solex cams because they offer duration and lift somewhere between E and S cams. More torque down on the rpm curve for street use and peaky up top.

  10. #10

    Re: Solex or S cams?

    Originally posted by gruen911
    Most people prefer solex cams because they offer duration and lift somewhere between E and S cams. More torque down on the rpm curve for street use and peaky up top.
    .....Could read "Most people with smaller displacement motors...". I have found S cams to be quite streetable in 2.4L - 2.7L engines. I believe the torque of the larger displacement motors negates the "peakyness" of S cams in early engines.
    72 911T/E Targa
    72 911 S
    1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee

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