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Thread: RS For sale...

  1. #1

    RS For sale...

    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  2. #2
    "needs complete restoration"...honesty in advertising? Looks like an expensive money pit to me. Reserve not met at $35K? Damned expensive for a beater...
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3
    I'm curious about a couple of things on the ID plate. It says 911 SC. And for total weight (gesamtgewicht), it says 1400 kg, what a 78 to 83 SC turbo weighs, if you round off.

    Nice door panels, too
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    NW Indiana

    Rob W. said that he inspected that car and the motor is very suspect regarding the serial number. He said he couldn't even find the 911/83 type stamp anywhere. If it is in need of full restoration and doesn't have an RS motor the reserve should be very low IMO.


    I wondered the same thing when I noticed that on the VIN plate and gold foil sticker on the fan housing of my car. The answer is on page 60 of the 'Carrera RS' book it says:
    "In order to simplify licensing proceedures, the car was internally and officially named 911SC. This was to make it clear that it was not a completely new model, but rather a variation on the 911S."

    R Gruppe #299

  5. #5
    I have indeed inspected the car firsthand. Stacy and Paul are right - can you say

    FRIGHT PIG!!!!!!!

    Having said that, I do have a writeup from my inspection earlier this year. If anybody has a serious interest in my notes, just PM me and I'll email them to you.

    Any guesses on the final bid???????
    2015 McLaren 650S spider
    2001 Ferrari 550
    2010 Ariel Atom 3
    1979 Ferrari 308gtb

    Paid-up Registry Member & proud of it!!

  6. #6
    Greetings All,

    Rob your mailbox is full. I would be interested in the report and details of the rust. Car still looks cool. An RS rat!



  7. #7
    Thanks, George. My Langenscheidt German-English dictionary was no help.
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  8. #8
    Greetings George,

    Would you please post the rest of the pictures. Your car is very neat. Just restore the mechanicals and go! You won't have to worry about parking lots.



  9. #9
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI
    34,645 miles? Were they pro rally miles?
    I'd like a good look at the foot pedal pads - level of wear is a good mileage indicator.

    What's lurking under that sheepskin??
    That wouldn't be a Pep Boys oil filter would it?

    I have learned that all cars look good in compressed .jpg format - but a fright pig? Even in this condition, not nearly as much a fright pig as a used 928.

    Needs at LEAST $35K put into it. I agree, if non original motor or especially a non RS motor - current bid is too high ($35.1k). Buyer beware! I think seller is playing dumb about the engine situation. Anyone who sells Fcars and Masers knows better, AND where to get the number info.

    I'd like to see your report Rob.

    P.S. If you call FRIGHT PIG - I believe it!

    P.P.S George, your lens isn't nearly "ratty" enough!
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  10. #10

    Thanks for posting the pictures George. Great car. With so many in "show" condition it is nice to see an untouched as found original. It appears there are no modifications. Have you thought about cleaning it up as best you can and using it as is?



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