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Thread: new rust location...

  1. #1

    new rust location...

    at least to me. From a rust free car owner. Ha! It was right in front of me for many months and I only noticed it tonight. I will grind it off and seal it this weekend.

    I know to go through every part of the trunk, but did not look here. Is this a safety item for the steering column?

    Larger trunk photo.

    The other orange colors in the photo are the crumbles from the the dash pad. Many years of sun have vulcanized the soft parts of the car. This is only surface now, but how did the water get in there? Any other entry points I should consider? Help me to feel better about my car. Please.

    edit: the other orange parts of the photo are easily brushed or blown away, not corrosion.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Windscreen seal no longer sealing?
    Its possible that the windscreen seal is no longer 'tight' to the glass and body work and water can sit in the seal.

    this willl eventually lead to water getting in there....

  3. #3
    Check your trunk seal channel...I dry mine with a rag after washing...water can stand in the top part, below the air intake vent.
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  4. #4
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI
    Wow - that car is JUNK!!!

    I'd take a good look (or feel) underneath... porbably fine.

    Agree with the above. Likely a seal leak above it, causing a small amount of water to drip on and run down the part - collecting in the mount depression area.
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  5. #5

    all things orange...

    are located in the bottom of my shop vac now. It was only surface rust (thank you lord) and came up easily with the assistance of Mr. Dremmel.

    The seals are water tight now, obviously this was not always the case.

    Paul, I do the same thing after washing, the hood seals are effective at directing water...but need a little help. I assist with an air compressor as well as a towel.

    Thank you gentlemen, for your help and understanding during this brief moment of crisis.


    edited: like a month later for poor spelling.
    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

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