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Thread: Early MFI air cleaner options

  1. #1

    Early MFI air cleaner options

    I would ike to replace the big air cleaner housing on my 70S with something smaller like a pair of open elemets like you would see on Webers. Is there something available that will work and if so, what would I do with the cold start rail?
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  2. #2
    K&N makes dual air cleaners like the ones for the Webbers. However, these will not work with the plastic stacks ... I think.

    My dad's got a set on his 2.8RSR motor, but those are not plastic stacks ... I think.

    But I know K&N makes 'em.
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  3. #3
    Blessed be the lowered RickS's Avatar
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    I had this very conversation with my wrench 2 days ago. I wanted to get rid of all the air intake stuff and have the cleaner 'open stack' look. He said that K&N did make something to attach to the stacks but if anything, there is a slight decrease in hp because of loss of pressure and air flow associated with the housing. The best things for MFI cars is to use a K&N barrel filter (looks like the stock one you are using) instead, to increase air flow. I know this anwser is not going the direction you want, unless you want to invest in carbs.

    Any other thoughts out there?
    71 914 3.0, 82 SC, ESR 376, RG 307

    "The problem with the world is, the ignorant are cock-sure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertram Russell

  4. #4
    Actually, everything I have read about K&N filters over the last couple years suggests that the flow rates are only superior for teh first few miles and then they quickly deteriorate as they become clogged. K&N seems to have lost respect amongst many hard core enthusiasts lately. I remember reading some interesting info on Pelican. You amy want to do a search there before investing in one of those barrel filters.
    Seems to me that the only reason that Porsche would have gone toteh big air filter housing was for emissions sake (PVC valve). I cannot see how the flow charactoristics would be superior to open element filters. I have been wrong before tho
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  5. #5
    You mean something like this? I don't know if it adds any power but it looks "way cool"...
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    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  6. #6
    That looks a lot better than stock, but I just cant get into the foam look. I belive after talking with Roger Grago that a standard K&N style air cleaner assy from the Weber IDA-3 will work on the eary MFI with metal velocity stacks. Can anyone confirm this? TIA
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  7. #7
    Here's the 3.2 MFI motor that was in Kurt Starnes 72' Coupe. These are 2.2 mag stacks like yours.
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    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  8. #8
    '......but I just cant get into the foam look."

    Then you go with whatever filiter "looks" right, whatever that is.

    My suggestion: Go with foam. The K&N fans will disagree.


  9. #9
    I know what you mean Sherwood. Of course for a guy who drives a VW with open velocity stacks, any filter is an improvement for me
    I like the look of those filters above. Any idea where to get them?
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  10. #10

    Merry Christmas

    The pictures of the various air cleaner configurations looks well so AFTERMARKETISH...but to each his own. I always did like the Aircleaner housing that Porsche used. It wasn't an "emmissions thingy" either that Porsche used the housing. It was so that they could get cold air into the fuel intake system, to increase HP.
    Master of the Buffet

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