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Thread: Bilstein struts & rear dampers

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Bilstein struts & rear dampers

    Looking for clarification here - there are a number of different Porsche part numbers listed for front Bilstein struts used on 911's from 1971:

    911 341 943/4 00 ('71-'72)

    911 341 041/2 33 ('73)

    911 341 079/80 36 ('74-'76)

    911 341 041/2 30 ('74-'76) 'Sport' ?

    911 341 041/2 31 ('77-)

    What are the differences between these struts ?

    Are they interchangeable ?

    My '69E (originally fitted with hydropneumatic front struts) currently has Koni front struts (with alloy 'S' calipers) & rear shockers - would there be any (significant) advantage in swapping to Bilsteins ?

    I know that the rear suspension was modified at some point (1972/3?) to alter the angle of the shocks & again around '76 (?) when I think the lower mount was changed to a smaller size.

    Does anyone know if all pre-'76 rear shocks will fit my '69 model or are there differences ?

    Early 911S Reg #753
    R Gruppe #105

  2. #2

    Talking Bilsteins


    I don't know off the top of my head the differences, I could check in my reference material if you really need the specifics. I have been VERY happy with the Bilsteins I installed on my car almost 20 years and 155,000 miles ago. VERY hard driving and still going strong. Porsche has used Bilsteins for a reason on all of its high performance cars.
    Hope this helps.

    All the best!

    Roger Grago
    PORSCHE Newport Beach
    R Gruppe #27
    73 RS-T
    70 2.4MFI VW Bus

  3. #3
    As far as I am aware all the different struts are interchangeable. Ask Jim Avis, as he mixes and matches all the time.
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

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