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Thread: For the Purist at Heart

  1. #1

    For the Purist at Heart

    Neunelf made a comment that he is a "anal retentive" because he likes his cars orginal. BS....whats "anal" about having and liking your car in it's orginal configuration? To say that, then ole Ferdinan and Ferry are "Anal" too... they built the car that way.

    My car is a 1969 isn't a 1969 911R or RST or is what it is, and I don't want it to be something it's not. It is a snapshot in time, and is just fine the way it came from the factory. To want to modify it is to say it's not good enough, the way Ferry built it.

    Now there are boyz here that play lucy goosey with their cars and have modified their cars without regard to historic accuracy...taking liberal interpetations of what actually was. Revising history as they go to suit their purposes. Somehow they have gotten it into their heads to look down on anybody who is satisfied to have their cars as they came from the factory. As if there is something wrong with you if you accept factory orginal as being good enough. The only thing wrong around here is the loose change attitude rattling around in some of these boyz heads.

    One thing I don't get if you boyz like the early cars so much why are you all so intent in changing them into something their not??? I just think to want to keep your cars in it's orginal congfiguration is to honor the past as it was and not how you wished it to be!
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

  2. #2
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA

    Re: For the Purist at Heart

    Originally posted by tabs52
    Neunelf made a comment that he is a "anal retentive" because he likes his cars orginal. BS....whats "anal" about having and liking your car in it's orginal configuration?

    No wonder people ignore you--you get abusive with folks you agree with.

    As far as being anal-retentive:

    1. I studied Freud a long, long time ago (and I'm an engineer, not a psychologist). I could have that wrong.

    2. Not so long ago, I disassembeled all my carburetors for cosmetic reasons...

  3. #3

    Original looks...?

    I think a person decides as they go along as to whether to keep their car original or modified, or take it back to original.

    Since this is my first 911, and it came with the RSR kit, I don't know what original is except to look at other cars. So I guess I'll keep it as is cosmetically and worry about getting the wheels out of the driveway and on to the road.

    Then maybe later I'll think about other mods or undoing the current modifications.
    Dan S

    '68 911 w/RSR kit (my first)
    '69 Nova street rod
    '03 H-D Heritage Springer

  4. #4
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA
    If you mean you don't have any other information sources, I could recommend Dr. Brett Johnson's "The 911 and 912 Porsche -- a Retstorer's Guide to Authenticity" and Bruce Anderson's "911 Performance Guide" Both these books are only about $20 and they're available from most Porsche suppliers or booksellers.

  5. #5
    Sorry Neunelf if U misunderstood. I'm saying that you've bin Brainwashed into believing that if you like your cars orginal that you have to be "anal retentive." Nothing could be farther from the truth at least on the face of it.

    It's these loose with the truth boyz on this Board that are perpetuating that slanderous myth. They think that anybody who has any respect for the past is a atavistic throw back. But in truth all these boyz are is Neo-Facists, cause they can't allow a difference of opinion about their hodge podge collection of rolling Porsche parts that they call RS clones/replicas/reproductions.

    Now if you really want to know an obsessive correct down to the last bolt anal freakzoid....your talkin about our very own Porsche Nazi* Herr Dr Schmidt.... You'll know him when you see him cause he's always whistling "Deutschland uber alles," has a hund named Atillia and lives in a bunker somewhere in the forests of Oreegon. It's even bin rumored that he has a Tiger tank stashed away along with enough muntions to start WW3. Nuff said!

    Actually I think the rumors of his having a Tiger tank is an exergration...I think he really has a 1972 Pontiac Trans AM with the Big Bird decal on the hood that sounds like a tank! How these rumors get started I'll never know?

    * As in Seinfelds Soup Nazi
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

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