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Thread: 1971 911 S Restoration

  1. #1

    1971 911 S Restoration

    I am beginning the restoration of my 1971 S coupe. I'd like to give the concours restoration a try. I have the tub all in primer and want to know what is the correct color black for the undercarriage. Also is the interior floor sections supposed to be black or the color of the car. What about the inner wheel wells etc. I guess what I really need is a pointer to some source or wealth of information on this subject.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    I can't give you a 'wealth of information,' but I can start. The tub was painted with the body color before the sound pads went in, but after the stone guard was sprayed on. The engine bay was then repainted black. You should find the original color oversprayed in the inside of the doors and up under the dash in the trunk. Areas not in color will be grey primer. The underside of the hoods are in the factory color as well as the front trunk itself, except for the gas tank. Wheel wells in color, but over the SKS, as I mentioned.

    This is all from observation on my '71 S and not from a book or an official concours guide.

  3. #3
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA

    Re: 1971 911 S Restoration

    Originally posted by charlestonius
    I am beginning the restoration of my 1971 S coupe. I'd like to give the concours restoration a try. I have the tub all in primer and want to know what is the correct color black for the undercarriage.

    Thanks in advance
    I have heard two or three versions of the correct undercarriage black:

    -- Satin Black

    -- Semi-Gloss Black

    -- Eastwood's Underhood Black (lacquer). I think this one has been used as a standard by PCA Concours judges.

    POR-15 is a pretty decent semi-gloss, and very tough. All in all, matching the black underneath will be one of your easier tasks.

  4. #4

    SKS stuff

    Zeke -

    What is SKS and where can I get it ?


  5. #5

    Re: SKS stuff

    Originally posted by charlestonius
    Zeke -

    What is SKS and where can I get it ?

    Here, read this.

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