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Thread: Early S Registry & RGruppe Open House

  1. #1
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Surf City USA

    Early S Registry & RGruppe Open House

    At Pristine Motor Sports in Downtown Huntington Beach!!!

    See the events section of the website here on our homepage, and come on down for a little early 911 vibe at the beach!!!

    There will be coffee & Donuts and alot of early 911 camaradarie...

    afterwards we can do breakfast downtown and then maybe an impromtu cruise....

    So set aside next Saterday morning Jan 10th and come on down and hang out for awhile!!!

    See ya all there !!!
    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  2. #2
    I would like to come to Pristine, but I'm having some surgery for a hernia repair Fri. 1/9. I've met Dick there when I was shopping for a 356. But he didn't have much at the time. He is a very nice guy and I hear his office gal is the sharpest around when it comes to Porsches.

    It's been awhile since I ate there, but the neighborhood restaurant , "The Shed," is open for breakfast on the weekends. Very homey place with a fireplace and truck stop breakfasts. A local favorite. Dick will point it out to you. Plenty of room.

  3. #3
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Surf City USA
    Originally posted by Zeke
    ...... and I hear his office gal is the sharpest around when it comes to Porsches.

    ....dare I say anything here....????
    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  4. #4
    He he, I emailed RSupdate to find out that 'the gal' is his wife! I, of course had no idea. I remember a thread last year on PP BBS where someone was asking about Pristine. While there were mostly supporters, there was a detractor or two. About that point, someone advised don't take the gal in Dick's office too lightly as she probably knows more about 911s than most of the owners (maybe combined). I was innocently pasing that info along. Do this 'open house' again guys, I'll be ready next time. I'll have my car ready for cruising and carving sometime this year. Have fun Sat! And some one let me know if The Shed is still open. What a great place.

  5. #5
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Surf City USA
    I just wanted to thank all the Early S registry & RGruppe members who showed up Saturday for the openhouse at Pristine.

    It was an overwhelming success with 18-20 early 911's parked in Pristines lot and on the street out front. Dick Thorpe, owner of Prisitne, was really flattered that the early 911 comminuty took the time on a weekend day to spend time with him at his shop.

    We had awesome weather and alot of choice early 911's from stock to full rock gathered for the inaugural event.

    As part of the shop tour, my car was put up on one of the hoist's since it was built there, and acouple of the more observant attendee's (who know what I've been up to lately...) did not waste any time in pointing out the still remaining clumps of dirt from my recent OTE at Big Willow....(blush... )

    And yes Zeke, the Shed is still in biz, we all went over there for beakfast and Bill the owner even pulled his '67 911S around front for us to check out...

    a very cool morning.

    I thank you all, and so Does Dick Thorpe, owner of Pristine Motorsports.

    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  6. #6
    I hatd to miss that event almost more than one of the more 'famous' runs. The announcement came after I had made a date for surgery. Otherwise, I would have waited a couple of days, believe me. I had no idea about Bill's S.

    Did you get any pics? I saw just a few on PP BBS. If you don't want to post them, please email them. It'll give me something to look at while I'm housebound.

    Glad you had a good time. You said inaugural, I like the sound of that.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by RSupdate
    my car was put up on one of the hoist's since it was built there, and a couple of the more observant attendee's (who know what I've been up to lately...) did not waste any time in pointing out the still remaining clumps of dirt clinging to the suspension from my recent OTE at Big Willow
    A 100mph souvenir from T-9.
    Good times, maybe next year.
    I'll catch up with you soon.
    Starting with the Streets of Willow/Big Willow weekend we have 3 out of 4 Porsche weekends planned and the last one is on Valentines day.

  8. #8

    No Satisfaction

    What NO PICTURES....I wana see some pictures...your conversation is like hearing the sound track to a porno movie without seein the pictures... It leaves somethin to be desired!
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

  9. #9
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Surf City USA
    Zeke -

    As far as any pic's go, Sherwood was snapping them all morning long, I know he has a BUNCH.

    Question is.....when will he upload them.....????

    Again, a great early 911 morning, finished off with a hearty "big-boy" breakfast at the Shed.......

    A next time is already being discussed, only we will all do breakfast early, say...8:00am, at the Shed....and then do the shop tour, which we have a more mechanically oriented program in mind for next time, in addition to a more "focused" paint & body work portion for those who are really seeking the nuts & bolts answers to their personal 911 paint questions.......stay will be even better than this time

    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  10. #10


    Sounds like it was a great time.

    Pics please, Sherwood. They're like pure oxygen when I can get my head out of the water for a quick breath.
    RGruppe #004
    "Shoemaker stick to your last,"
    Ferry Porsche

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