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Thread: what is a 73 911S Targa worth?

  1. #1

    what is a 73 911S Targa worth?

    Greetings, I own a 73 911S Targa. I am considering selling this car, but I need help figuring Its value. It has the original 2.4 but w/ a 6 weber carb kit., 5 spd. trans., fuchs w/new Michelins, Recaro seats, Momo steering wheel, Ducktail spoiler+original hood. Car is in great cond. Runs strong, w/ older paint job. any ideas?

  2. #2
    Here is a link to a nice 72S targa that sold on ebay just last October for $20,100.

    Seems to me that the S coupes demand just a bit more than the targas. But that is just $.02 from a coupe guy...with very little sense.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

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