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Thread: Weight differential 67S vs. 68S

  1. #1

    Weight differential 67S vs. 68S

    I am trying to run my 68S in both vintage and PCA Club racing. On the PCA side, minimum weight for a 67S is listed at 2183 lbs. and 2271 lbs. for the 68S. Can someone clarify the reason for the extra 88 pounds required of my car? Prefer to run mine as a 68 but will present car as backdated 67 to save the extra weight if need be.
    Good riding, Ron Shade, San Antonio, Texas

  2. #2
    The rim size went from 4.5" to 5.5". The S wasn't offered in the USA, but the 911L was equipped with an air pump. The door trims and carpets changed, probably adding weight.
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  3. #3
    Thanks for your reply. I can see where the wheels and trim would add some but I'm still mistified as to the reason for the full 88 pound differnece. My Porsche spec book shows the 911L is 110 pounds heavier than the S which also seems a large amount. The way things are going, will have to strap my wife and two kids into the passenger side to bring the car up to racing weight!

  4. #4
    The sportomatic transmission was introduced in 68. Additional weight was approx 100lbs.

    R Gruppe #259

    73S 2.7RS Spec Sporto

  5. #5
    Thank you Earle. I remember when I was given the keys to the first Sportomatic to arrive in San Antonio for a try out on a road course. I loved it! Always wondered why it was not a more popular option. On the weight question, I have probably stated it incorrectly. My small spec book, factory manual and Tobias Aichele's book, Porsche 911, Forever Young shows both 67 and 68S as 2271 lbs. but PCA says the 67 is eighty-eight pounds lighter. A few pounds for the change in rim width I can see but the full 88 stumps me. Lance at PCA did not have an answer for me either but I have asked him if he has a lead on who might know and if anyone else out there can suggest another venue please contact me.
    Ron Shade

  6. #6
    what about the weights in the front bumper? had they always put the weights in all SWB or was this something they introduced in 68? what was it, 15# per side? or 15# total for the weight?
    Sent from a pay phone

    888888 eL, Oph'eL'ia

    Instagram: werk_crew

  7. #7
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    La Jolla, CA
    Originally posted by bob tilton
    what about the weights in the front bumper? had they always put the weights in all SWB or was this something they introduced in 68? what was it, 15# per side? or 15# total for the weight?
    My '67S had the bumper weights. They were 25# per side. I removed them, and the car still weighed over 2300# wet.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  8. #8
    tom, did you notice any handling differences when you removed the weights?
    Sent from a pay phone

    888888 eL, Oph'eL'ia

    Instagram: werk_crew

  9. #9
    Bob, the front bumper weights sound very much like the crux of the weight mystery. I have a 66 911, 66 912 and the 68S which I only purchased last summer. None of them have the weights but perhaps were removed before coming to roost in my garage.
    Tom, you said they were removed from yours. Is there some sort of fixture/mark in the bumper that would tell me the location so I can confirm that they once were there. I do not see them in the parts book. From your numbers it sounds like the Porsche spec book is right on the money and as I suspect, a weight concession was given to the 67 by PCA. Finally, are there any photos of your original S anywhere on the web that I can see to try to compare what I have with what it should be.
    Again, thanks for everyones help, Ron Shade

  10. #10
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    La Jolla, CA
    Originally posted by bob tilton
    tom, did you notice any handling differences when you removed the weights?
    Yes, it's not a huge difference, but the car seems to rotate better at the limit- less polar moment. Great for autox. Plus not dragging around an extra 50 lbs. is a bonus in all areas- braking cornering, acceleration. As long as you're ready to catch the tail with the throttle, I think it's an improvement. I won the indexed TTOD at a PCA-SDR autox with it on March 29th last year at Qualcomm Stadium.

    For street driving, I wouldn't bother taking them out.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

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