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Thread: There we go...early cars in Germany!

  1. #1

    Smile There we go...early cars in Germany!

    So it is finally not that bad here, or what...?!

    Well, I am looking out of the window at about 5 inches of snow...
    That means my car will 'look' at this scenery out of its barn... for another while...
    While 'she' is waiting in there for spring coming up...

    But for sure I did some research already, where there are some of the early dudes - even out here in this unfriendly climate...
    And there they are...

    I guess there will be some rumble soon, in the Schwarzwald or so, hmmmmmmmm.... ; )))

    Take it easy!

    Thorsten Klein,
    RGruppe #276, Weissach, Germany

    1973 Porsche 911 T/R (R ennsemmel) -

    2014 991 Carrera (bad weather P car )
    1997 RenaultSport Spider (the 'last' Alpine)

    "Das letzte Fahrzeug auf Erden - wird ein Sportwagen sein..." (F.Porsche)

  2. #2
    I clicked on the galley...some nice cars there, guys!
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3

    Hey Thorsten - great site

    Wish I could remember all that German I was supposed to have learned (or maybe I never really learned it).

    That site has some good ideas for this and the R Gruppe sites.
    Dick Moran

  4. #4
    Cool saw you are on the members list already.
    Besitzer: Thorsten
    Wohnsitz: Sindelfingen

    Fahrzeugtyp: Porsche 911 T (S-Paket), Coupe
    Baujahr: 1973
    Leistung: 140 PS
    Hubraum: 2400 cm³

    Looks like a fun gruppe!

  5. #5
    Gruss dich Thorsten!!!

    Hey!,,, I'll be back in Germany in June,,, I'm located in the northern part of Bavaria (Spessart Wald) but i'd love to hook up with you and your club meet if your going to the big event in end of June... I might even be able to twist Rick Cabells arm to tag along...
    Anyways,, nice to see your not the only one covered in snow,, the only difference is we have -28 ... The good news is my 911's still fired right up on the first try last weekend!!!!

    Vielen Gruss aus Kanada
    Robert Gross....

  6. #6
    You won't have to twist my arm very hard !

  7. #7
    I was just concerned that you might have trouble with the beer ,, there's no Mike Hard out their!!!!

    Later, Robert....

  8. #8
    Hey, I planned on bringing it with me!!

  9. #9

    Wink Meeting in June...

    ...keep me posted!
    June is packed with things for me, but we should get something going!
    I have to cross the Alps with my RenaultSport Spider for example...
    So you are coming back for good, too?
    The German weather sucks..., dude!
    I would think about that!
    How are you shipping your car?
    German beer is all right, though... ; ))))))
    Could twist ankles though in combination with icy roads and sidewalks...
    Can't wait to fire up my machine in spring with 100 Oktan Shell Vmax. available here... Screw the 5 Bucks per Gallon!
    Talk to you later!

    Thorsten Klein,
    RGruppe #276, Weissach, Germany

    1973 Porsche 911 T/R (R ennsemmel) -

    2014 991 Carrera (bad weather P car )
    1997 RenaultSport Spider (the 'last' Alpine)

    "Das letzte Fahrzeug auf Erden - wird ein Sportwagen sein..." (F.Porsche)

  10. #10
    Cruising the Ebay Germany site there is a nice set of sportsitze for sale. Price looks decent, maybe 1100 US or so right now. Looks like they will not ship out of Germany - is it difficult to for parts of this size to be exported??
    Just curious.
    70 911E
    R Gruppe #295

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