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Thread: buttons

  1. #1


    I am doing some cosmetic work on my 70 911s interior.
    Does anyone know where i can get replacement knobs for the dash?

  2. #2
    Try Pelican or Tweeks

    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  3. #3
    If you're looking for the actual knobs (rubber parts) they are hard to come by and ain't cheap if you have to go to the dealer. I think they were 80ish... You might try some of the dismantlers or Parts Obsolete. PartsHeaven pulled 4 until they got a good knob and I was very pleased.
    70 911E
    R Gruppe #295

  4. #4
    Blessed be the lowered RickS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Worshington State
    If you will settle for reproductions (gasp!) you might check out Performance or Tweaks.
    71 914 3.0, 82 SC, ESR 376, RG 307

    "The problem with the world is, the ignorant are cock-sure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertram Russell

  5. #5
    but if i want the real thing where should i go.
    The rubber on the reproductions seems not as good?
    I am in the San Fran bay area.

  6. #6
    I think Stoddards carried em when I was looking.
    70 911E
    R Gruppe #295

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