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Thread: engines

  1. #1

    Question engines

    Can any one help me?
    I was looking for the name of the metal alloy that makes up the cylinders . I know it begins with a (N) but i can' t remember.

    Also does anyone have any thoughts on rebiulding a 2.4t
    on there own?

    I have not been able to sell mine , so I was thinking of rebiulding it to bigger specs, what are my options?

    Any help would be great.

    1972 911t Coupe(being Restored)
    1973 911t Targa(parts Car)
    2001 Audi A4 Quattro
    2004 Ford F150

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Question 2.4T cylinders

    Would the 2.4T cylinders be cast iron? Or was cast iron only used on the 2.0T engine?

    Now - 1993 C2
    Past - 1968 911L

  4. #4
    the 2.0-2.4T cylinders were cast iron. The other 2.0-2.4 cylinders were biral, Aluminium fins around a cast iron liner.

    To rebuild your engine to "bigger specs" would probably require nikasil. I've heard of people boring out their 2.4 cylinders to 85mm(from 84) to increase their displacement from 2341cc to 2397cc. The more conventional route is to bore out your spigots for the 90mm cylinders to make a 2687cc (2.7) since the 90mm pistons and cylinders are an off the shelf item.
    1973 T

  5. #5

    Question engine

    Maybe I need to reword my first guestion
    I don't need to make the 2.4t larger
    But I do want more horsepower
    Can I change out the cam, new heads, valve jobs?
    What Can I do to get more power across the board both at low and high rpm.
    I want engine to pull like a "T" and have the power at high
    rpm like the "S"

    I am really looking at this engine as a clean fresh new project.
    SO I am taking in all thoughts
    1972 911t Coupe(being Restored)
    1973 911t Targa(parts Car)
    2001 Audi A4 Quattro
    2004 Ford F150

  6. #6

    Re: engine

    Originally posted by deoxford
    I want engine to pull like a "T" and have the power at high
    rpm like the "S"

    Then you maybe want 'E' cams and the rest of the 'E' stuff or 964 cams and some pistions. The heads are all the same for all engines 2.2 and 2.4, IIRC.

  7. #7
    The heads are all the same for all engines 2.2 and 2.4, IIRC.
    The only real difference is in the port sizes which can be significantly different. The MFI 2.4T heads only have 29mm worth of intake porting, which doesn't work well for a hotrod engine. You will want to take those ports out to between 32 and 36mm depending on what cam you use (don't take it too far out or you'll loose your gas speeds)

    I'm actually building a motor along those lines. I plan on using 2.2E cams and either 2.2E pistons or to shim up a set of 10.5:1 JE's back down to 10.2 or so. (still unsure on this oen)
    1973 T

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