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Thread: Dunkle's on Sunday

  1. #1

    Dunkle's on Sunday

    I can only make the Sunday festivities, and am planning on heading South (from West LA) around 5am to meet up with our fellow RGRUPPE members and caravan over to the meet.

    Anybody else leaving the WLA area on Sunday AM? Wanna meet up EARLY and caravan down South!?!!?
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  2. #2
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Pasadena, CA

    A bit out of your way..

    If you want to go the "other-way" Stacy, and come thru Pasadena and down the 57, I 'll happy to be your "wingman"..

    Let me know..

  3. #3
    Look forward to seeing you both!
    Dick Moran

  4. #4
    I heard this is going to be the last Dunkel Bros. swap meet as they have recently sold the property ...

    Is there any truth to this rumor?
    SReg. #778 OGrp: #8 RGrp: #---
    TLG Auto: Website
    Searching for engine #907495 and gearbox 902/1 #229687

  5. #5
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Reseda, CA.
    I heard this as well Marco...

    Maybe Peter and Cheryl will anounce something on Sunday...

    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

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