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Thread: Nadella to Lobro

  1. #1
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Nadella to Lobro

    Seeking any information regarding changing from '65 Nadello to Lobros. 901 output flanges on the Nadello look to have same spline count, but center bore is larger than a '68 Lobro I have. Am wondering if there is a direct replacement Lobro, or does one typically have to machine to fit?? Also wondering, Did the 911 & 912 share similar transaxles and drivetrains for similar years? Have searched & Googled without luck---Thanks very much Steve
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  2. #2

    Just went through this on my car. It is almost prohibitive. You are talking about changing alot of parts.

    I found a pair of Ritchie Ginther converted 906/911 axels. What he did was have only one u joint on each end. He then cut the shaft and added a sliding spline (with a stop) much like the end of an American car drive shaft. I would think any capable driveshaft shop could set you up. It is the most simple way to go.



  3. #3
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Don, A complete rebuild--Thats an approach I hadn't considered.

    Years ago, I had the stub axle end of the Nadella go bad--happened to be a long ways away from home, so I had a machine shop enlarge the Nadella lower end and the stub axle to accept a standard universal cross ( with interior keepers) worked for a while but, as the cross was not held exactly centered, oscillated and eventually wore out. Am hopeful someone has, will post, info on adapting a Lobro CV arrangement to this application, as I've heard it's do-able. Am surprised no-ones posted a retrofit as I would think most (65,66 owner have been down this road---fewer of us all the time) Thanks again, Steve.
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  4. #4

    It can be done just the price will have you fall over. Stoddard has all of the part numbers. The way I explained is I think the best way. The race cars in the 60's used this type of conversion. It works great in my car. It is my understanding this setup was only used in the LSD cars in 68 not positive about the earlier car.



  5. #5
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks Again. When the flange emerges from the 901, the nadella is held by 4 bolts, the Lobros 6-- how does one get from the relatively flat mounting (on either) to the universal joint you speak of. The lower end lends well to standard universals, just having a tough time visualizing the upper connection (unless you sever the mating flange and weld a universal yoke on the output?? ---Kinda wondered how much length change driveshaft undergoes as suspension articulates through travel--the Nadella(wonder if thats designers name) is unlike anything I've seen.

    Really appreciate the info, will check Stoddard catalogue for more information (I happen to have '68 outputs/stubshafts/Lobro--wondering if that'll change the $ equation) Thanks, Steve
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  6. #6
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Replying to my initial post (for others who seek this info) . An outfit in California sells retrofit packages for this---"Parts Heaven" (800) 767 7250. "google" for website -- Steve
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  7. #7

    Nadella to Lobro

    I can cut the lobro output shaft and spline it for you. I am using this on my 901 with limited slip. I have done this for many others as well. I spline the cut off output shaft with a wire EDM machine.



  8. #8
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Erich I assume your talking about adding a slip joint to an existing Lobros? correct?? I'm trying to find a Lobros style output flange that will mate with my "non simplified" differential--I understand that will take a '66-'67 output flange with grooved washers, cap and circlip---which I have yet to find. I have the Lobro style stub axle in hand, sooo, once I find the output from the differential, then I'll address getting the power to the stub axle. I appreciate the help. Thanks Steve.

    (I should say the output flanges are available from the above referenced supplier--would 1st like to see if I can find used)
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

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