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Thread: Dunkels Weekend Thankyous

  1. #1

    Dunkels Weekend Thankyous

    Hey - special thanks to all those who made this weekend possible.

    In particular, Roger Grago, Scott Hendry and John Dilger deserve special thanks for the R Gruppe weekend events.

    Roger was on duty as regional Gruppmeister all weekend and organized the driving event Saturday afternoon and Scott Hendry was our gracious host Saturday evening and for the pre-event staging Sunday morning. And John made our expedited (!) entry onto the Dunkels site possible by doing the thankless task of making the parking arrangements.

    It was a great time.


    PS And advance thanks to Sam for the photos.
    Dick Moran

  2. #2
    Yes a big thank you to Roger and Scott for an enjoyable and well organized weekend.
    I hope this weekend becomes an R Gruppe tradition.
    Call it South meets South?

    The beach city destination of Casa Risvold was my home away from home for the weekend.
    Ok no more in car video from the Q, I agree never again.
    John and Gloria thanks for the all the good times!

  3. #3
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Surf City USA


    You are very welcome Mike.

    Anytime buddy....anytime.

    Let's review some video of turn 5 at Big Willow....weren't we still short of a concensus on that one?
    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    NW Indiana
    I would also like to extend a big public "Thank You" to Rob Wolford for hosting the RS Owners Dinner Friday night (and for allowing me to crash at his place). Great wine, food and fellowship. We even had Alois Ruf present to share with us his historic passion for Porsche cars and projects they are currently working on. I think I'll take him up on his offer to "drop by our shop any time". Thanks again Rob, especiallly for the ride in your RS, man that is a fast car.

    If anyone has any group photos of the evening please post them.

    R Gruppe #299

  5. #5
    Brilliant work on the Sunday morning parking Roger! I felt like I was on the "A-list" at a hot New York club when we just waltzed in before everybody else and grabbed the VIP spots. Well done!

    Scott, Great job on the BBQ! Good grub, cool cars and cool people. And best of all, my 5 year-old didn't break anything while we were there!

    2015 McLaren 650S spider
    2001 Ferrari 550
    2010 Ariel Atom 3
    1979 Ferrari 308gtb

    Paid-up Registry Member & proud of it!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
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    Pasadena, CA

    Great job Roger

    I would also like to "jump on the bandwagon" here thanking Roger for a very well planned and organized weekend. I haven't been able to spend any time with the Boyz lately and the turnout of Rgruppe guyz was phoenominal.

    Well done Roger

  7. #7
    I'll ride along on that bandwagon. Roger and company, as always, have done a great job of making what they do appear to be pretty effortless. A great event, without any bumps.

    And a good meal at the end. Who could ask for anything more?

    I've lived in Los Angeles for over 15 years, now, but had never been on any of the Orange County toll roads. To my beginner's eyes, they appear to be uncrowded, well-maintained -- and as unregulated as the rural stretches of the autobahn.

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    Roger, please accept my thanks also for all your hard work and enthusiasm in planning the So Cal R Gruppe events. This event proved once again that you are an inspiration to all the Chaptermeisters. I wish I would have been able to join you on the fun run (too much to do in too little time). I'm glad Gary could ride along with one of the best pilots around ( he told me he had a blast).

    You can be my wing man anyday!
    Randy Wells
    Automotive Writer/Photographer/Filmmaker

    Early S Registry #187

  9. #9


    Thanks to Roger for organizing a great Saturday afternoon and Sunday Dunkles.

    Thanks to Scott for the wonderful hospitality at his shop (next year is his 25th Anniversary at that location!).

    Additional thanks to Roger, Jack and the others who generously gave rides for the Satuday Fun Run.
    RGruppe #004
    "Shoemaker stick to your last,"
    Ferry Porsche

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