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Thread: 73Resto: Final touches

  1. #1

    73Resto: Final touches

    Those Dunkel pictures are awesome. I had to settle for visiting my car in the shop. Here's some shots from yesterday. I'd asked them to fix a list of things (small stuff), and now its down to final details and then a good cleaning/detailing (ignore the dust on the interior, it'll come off).

    Jared - does the trunk area look better now? How's the blue dot look with the silver Momo? I kinda like it
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  2. #2
    hood respray, new heater going in
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  3. #3
    something old, something new
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  4. #4
    Momo horn button from, good guys to deal with on the phone.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  5. #5
    reconditioned sport seats
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  6. #6
    Question for the professionals out there (Rick, others?): I want the car to pass a Pre-purchase inspection before I make the final payment on the car (local to the resto shop). Seems like a reasonable request to me, but it wasn't part of the initial contract (neither was it taking 12 months but I should have known on that one). Is that pretty standard?
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  7. #7

    YOUR 73

    Chris - your car looks NICE! Congrats! Don't say we didn't warn you about the time frame...that's just the way it ALWAYS goes....can't wait to see it! Monterey in May!?!??!!
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  8. #8
    Legally, you can't require that PPI now and he can sue you if you back out. Also, you are sort of jacking him around by requiring it and forcing him to sue.

    But you could say, that since it took 12 months and you hadn't figured on that, will he let you do a PPI.

  9. #9
    Beautiful car and paint job.
    I am in the bay area and am considering to have my car painted.
    Where did u get ur car painted?

  10. #10
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI

    That was fast! Doesn't look like they properly replicated the sloppy overspray and thin paint coverage in the trunk - as the factory did it in '73. (Cost cutting, NOT weight saving).

    Silver proto looks great - I'm tempted to swap out my black one. Bluedot Blau is a POS - you haven't yanked it out yet???

    In regards to a PPI, he who holds the cash calls the shots. Sounds reasonable to me before making final payment (would have been better to clarify up front). Just don't get too picky - i.e. it's not a concours job. Maybe you could have a knowledgeable local S registry pal come by and do an "informal"inspection (including a compression check). This may be more acceptable to the shop owner.


    BTW - any progress on the hood badges???
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

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