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Thread: my engine rebuild

  1. #1

    my engine rebuild

    i thought i would give you guys an update on my 68 engine rebuild. long story short is that we found that the cylinder that we knew had no compresion has a hole in the piston. the rod is not broken and it kinda looks like burnt piston like you would see on an engine that had a little too much No2. we are obviosly going to have to replace it.

    we were thinking that our engine has non-stock pistons because they are domed but we can't really remember what stock ones looked like. a pic or discription of stock ones would be very helpful.

    i'll try to get some pics up of the hole in the piston.

    any theories of what happened?
    68' 911
    81' 280zx turbo (for sale)$4500 obo
    96' Honda Prelude
    03' Nissan Altima

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Suffolk, VA
    1968 911's have domed pistons - all 2.0 liter 911 engines do. A holed piston is due to too much heat - usually ignition timing too far advanced, poor fuel, lean mixture, or someone lugging the engine. The early engines suffered from poor flame propogation because of the high dome.
    1970 911S Coupe (Burgundrot) (sold)
    1967 911 Coupe (Light Ivory) (mostly gone)
    1966 911 Coupe (Sand Beige) (sold)
    Van Diemen RF99 Formula Continental
    Citation F1000 on the way
    Van Diemen Hayabusa SCCA Formula S (sale pending)
    Other Early 911/912/914

  3. #3
    thanks for the info.
    68' 911
    81' 280zx turbo (for sale)$4500 obo
    96' Honda Prelude
    03' Nissan Altima

  4. #4
    up to what date(years) did the dome pistons last?

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