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Thread: The missing link !

  1. #1

    The missing link !

    Matt Blast from Eurometrix just returned to me my 40mm IDS carbs for my 68S soft window Targa. That has been the missing link to finishing this project. Now, it's full speed ahead!
    Shoe Dog.......are you listening ?? Hope these pics come through.
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  2. #2

    another shot

    Here is one more shot of Matt's work. He said this was one of the nicest sets of Weber IDS's he has ever seen. Very little wear.
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  3. #3

    Gorgeous! They do nice work over there, don't they?

    I'll make sure Mr. DTM driving shoes hears the word.

    Cheers, Chris

  4. #4

    Thanks Chris.....

    Yes, he does nice work.

    Super to meet you this weekend. Please post on the board when ever you can, as you have a great knowledge to share with people like me and the rest on the board. My next trip to the Northwest will include a stop to see what you have going on.

  5. #5


    Man, I thought it was still too cold in the bat cave to finish the Softie that quickly! Argh!
    RGruppe #004
    "Shoemaker stick to your last,"
    Ferry Porsche

  6. #6
    Rick, those look great! I was planning to send my IDAs to Eurometrix. Looks like they do a good job.

    So, what's the difference between 40IDS and 40IDA?
    Greg DuPertuis

    1972 911T
    Leesburg, VA

  7. #7

    pee pee tube

    The weber IDS was on the 67/68 911S only. It had a high speed enrichment tube that provided a rich mixture at the highest of RPM. It provided no extra punch, only a safety margin. Many of the 67/68S car I have inspected have had these little gems removed. The racers might have thought there was a power advantage.......but no. The weber IDA would perform the same as the IDS. The IDS is just plain cool.
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