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Thread: axial sealing ring-- early '65

  1. #1
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    axial sealing ring-- early '65

    Am in the final stages of engine rebuild (2.0 -- early '65). Am afraid I've made a mistake from which I'm hoping to recover. I removed what I know now to be the axial sealing rings from both ( L & R) sides of the chain housing covers--destroying both in the process. Am having no luck finding source for replacement seals. Hopefully someone can point me the way to resolve this. Lesson learned--never assume a 40 yr old part is available. Axial sealing ring shown on page 51 of Bruce Andersons Performance Handbook---(three parts sources I tried all gave a big ? a what?? Thanks very much Steve L.

    (Why removed? Covers warped--Glass sanded same, seals prevented sanding---Haynes manual suggested replacement,sigh)
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  2. #2
    Did you keep the old parts? If not, does someone else have them? If so either take the measurements off the seal or usually there are measurements cast into the rubber. These will detail in inside/outside diameters and the thickness of the the seal.

    Failing all that, measure your housing and camshaft and take the measurements down to your local bearing/oilseal shop, I'm sure they will get them for you.
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  3. #3
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Nick Thanks for the response. This seal is, or was, not a garden variety--it would remind one of a waterpump seal--with a spring tensioning the seal against the rotating camshaft--oil flows through center to lubricate camshaft. Apparently was used in the earliest 901/01 models and race engines--apparently only 3000 or so 911's were designed so. Am hopeful someones been down this road.... Thanks again Steve
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  4. #4
    The PET doen't show that ring, but mentions a sealing ring 901.105.592.01 for engines to #0903069
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  5. #5
    "Senior" Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Nick, I am indebted to you. That is indeed the sealing ring (same cutoff # mentioned in Anderson's book. My engine # is 0901665, chassis # 301573. Wayne at Pelican found that pt/# to be still available through Porsche @ $50+/ copy. Thank you for your help(I was envisioning my searching Thomas Register for seal mfgs . machining case halves to accept new seals---then worrying as to how they were holding up) Have a pleasant weekend, as I now will. Steve L. in N. Idaho.
    '65 911
    '02 M5
    '03 MCS

  6. #6
    Glad to be of help. $50? WOW
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

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