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Thread: User name ?

  1. #1
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Question User name ?

    Does anyone know if I can change my user name without re-registering? I'd like to keep my current profile and stats. It's just that the 71 part doesn't apply any more. I want to change it to 70.

    That's a hint Shawn, Chris
    “Electricity is really just organized lightning”

    -Dusty 70S Coupe
    -S Registry #586

  2. #2
    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  3. #3
    I have changed your user name to:


    If this anticipated request is not accurate, let me know.

    Early 911S Registry web

  4. #4
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Many thanks sir!

    More info when I get back to Cal. Hmmm, silver?
    “Electricity is really just organized lightning”

    -Dusty 70S Coupe
    -S Registry #586

  5. #5

    and it is....

    silver too....

    you suck, I hate you. Post pics as soon as you are able. I need to see the ride.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  6. #6
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Well Shawn

    I really stepped into this one. Takin a big chance but, I figured what the ....

    Bought a 70S, stored for ten years. Repainted black but the overspray in the trunk looks silver. Missing the paint tag. All Vins match and the engine number is in the right range. Sport seats and AC (not long for this world). Body looks really good. Engine is a big unknown. Forty inches of dust but, a good candidate for a running resto.

    It's complete except for the overiders. PO tried to do an amateur 73 look by painting the engine grill and the horn grilles and adding the flag mirror and the big clunky rubber overiders (no offense to the 73 crowd). All the removed parts are there though.

    There were some others extremely interested who really tried to motivate the seller by ALL means possible. I got lucky and anticipated that. Sorry Nick

    I could have bought a really sweet running T or E but, I've always wanted a S. Good, Bad, Rat or Rightous.

    There will be a full digital chronicle that I will share in payment for all of the future questions I am sure I will be asking. Let the long distance wincing begin!!! Man, I can't wait to start digging!! I'm soo stoked.
    “Electricity is really just organized lightning”

    -Dusty 70S Coupe
    -S Registry #586

  7. #7

    Thought you said you were going on a 'business' trip.

    You wife must be freaken! Congrats. Can't wait to hear the next step. You said long distance wincing. Is it getting shipped out here for fixin, or is thefixin long distance? Details man!

    Shawn - its almost spring up there. Get on it brother!
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  8. #8
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA

    I am working!


    Still in SD. It's 10 Deg. with 20 mph winds and I've been up and down 13m antennas all day! (Shawn would be in shorts I'm sure) Thought I'd come in for a bit and warm up. Ah, the internet is a wonderful thing when buying long distance.

    The SCOOP...

    The car is in Cal already. All I have to do is go pick it up and tow it home. OK, I'll confess and take my lumps. This was the first car that I didn't physically see before buying it on EBay (in a soft whisper). So I am taking a chance. I talked/emailed with the owner quite a bit before I bid. He bought a storage unit in an auction that it was in. What a find! Anyway, he had a few quite knowlegable people look at the car and told him it was in really good condition other than the engine being a big unknown. They then promptly offered him 9k and 12k. The owner did a bit of research and even posted it on this board. He assured me he had decided to let it ride and turned down offers to end the auction early. One guy even offered to pay him $500.00 more than the winning bid at the end of the auction. Nice huh? I got to give Eric (the owner) Big Kudos for sticking to his ethics. He even crawled around the car for a half hour or so with me on the phone answering my ?s. Reeefreshing! So, knowing who was looking at the car besides me helped me make my decision. I successfully anticipated a last second attempt to outbid me and now it's history.

    As for my beautiful wife, she gave me an early Valentines present! No Freakin! She would much rather deal with my obsessing on something tangible in the garage than the idea of something floating around in the ether.

    As for the long distance wincing...That's for all the guys who have been through restos (you now included) that will feel my pain as I bring this one back to life!

    This story is just starting....Got to go back outside if I'm ever going to get out of here. I've got a car waiting for me!

    “Electricity is really just organized lightning”

    -Dusty 70S Coupe
    -S Registry #586

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