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Thread: Is this corect (Fuchs numbers)

  1. #1

    Is this corect (Fuchs numbers)

    Last edited by GeorgeK; 11-26-2014 at 01:00 AM.

  2. #2
    That's wacky. Looks like the 9 was stamped over the 6. No fox head, either. Is it a repro?
    Greg DuPertuis

    1972 911T
    Leesburg, VA

  3. #3
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    George, the -020.03 number is the 9 x 16. Might just be an over-stamp mistake.

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  4. #4
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    that's 9 x 15...

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  5. #5

    Little alarm bells ring here.

    I have just carefully inspected my 9 x 15s

    1. My rims have the "x 15" as part of the casting, ie raised, while the "9" is stamped
    2. same thing on the part number, 911.361.020 is raised, "03" is stamped.

    My rims are dated 7/73 so maybe things changed in 12 months? BTW I can see the fox head on Georges pic.
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2003
    George - I agree with Nick's comments plus as far as I remember every 15" Fuchs that I've had which is more than 6" wide (7,8,9 & 11) has the triangular (foundry?) logo to the LHS of the size marking :

    '69 911E----->R
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    Early 911S Reg #753
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  7. #7
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    Early 911S Reg #753
    R Gruppe #105

  8. #8

    Question fuchs prices

    does any one have the price or a ballpark price for
    7x15 fuchs ?

    I have a set of 6x15s for sale
    And I am currently looking for 7x15s for the rear
    but I need a price ,from someone that not trying to sell them to me.
    Thank for the help

    1972 911t Coupe(being Restored)
    1973 911t Targa(parts Car)
    2001 Audi A4 Quattro
    2004 Ford F150

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