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Thread: the people and cars that didn't melt in the rain

  1. #1
    USE IT.....OR LOSE IT swbsam's Avatar
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    the people and cars that didn't melt in the rain

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    Self anointed Head of the SSSP
    ( Super secret seat police )
    our motto is : if you've got a bug up your ass, we put it there

    67S polo red 307958S (gone but not forgotten )
    87 factory turbolook Lagoon green metallic ( G50 O'yeah )

  2. #2
    USE IT.....OR LOSE IT swbsam's Avatar
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
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    Self anointed Head of the SSSP
    ( Super secret seat police )
    our motto is : if you've got a bug up your ass, we put it there

    67S polo red 307958S (gone but not forgotten )
    87 factory turbolook Lagoon green metallic ( G50 O'yeah )

  3. #3
    USE IT.....OR LOSE IT swbsam's Avatar
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
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    Self anointed Head of the SSSP
    ( Super secret seat police )
    our motto is : if you've got a bug up your ass, we put it there

    67S polo red 307958S (gone but not forgotten )
    87 factory turbolook Lagoon green metallic ( G50 O'yeah )

  4. #4
    Are we having fun yet???? A bunch of grown men who act just like Sophmores do in HS. OHHHH Pleeeeze spare me from yet another go around............but look at the bright side NO PICS OF BB2....
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

  5. #5
    USE IT.....OR LOSE IT swbsam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    So. Cal
    Hey Ted,

    so what's going on in lost wages

    Self anointed Head of the SSSP
    ( Super secret seat police )
    our motto is : if you've got a bug up your ass, we put it there

    67S polo red 307958S (gone but not forgotten )
    87 factory turbolook Lagoon green metallic ( G50 O'yeah )

  6. #6
    USE IT.....OR LOSE IT swbsam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    So. Cal
    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Self anointed Head of the SSSP
    ( Super secret seat police )
    our motto is : if you've got a bug up your ass, we put it there

    67S polo red 307958S (gone but not forgotten )
    87 factory turbolook Lagoon green metallic ( G50 O'yeah )

  7. #7


    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  8. #8
    Southern Cal guys wearing jackets??? It must be freezing down there!
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  9. #9
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Surf City USA
    No Paul....just below 68 Deg F. ........
    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  10. #10
    All right, here's how I understand the history of it. In 1975, Arnold Wagner, Dieter Insenhoffer and Alwin Springer formed Andial, and created the name by combining the first two letters of each of their first names (although I guess some artistic license was permitted, since Ardial doesn't have the same ring to it). From 1984 to 1989, Porsche designated Andial as the official shop for Porsche Motorsport North America, and Andial-tuned 962's won a gazillion IMSA races. From 1990-2003, Alwin Springer ran PMNA as a separate entity from Andial (although the relationship was still very close), and as of last month, Springer handed over the reigns to Uwe Brettel.

    At least that's as close as I can remember. Maybe somebody else can clarify it, if I'm off track.

    In any case, today Andial had an open house, and these are some pictures from it. Nice turnout of probably 50 911's with their drivers.

    BB2, in attendance:

    My personal favorite car I saw there (Dick Moran pointed it out to me). A real 911ST that raced at Le Mans, and has a high-strung 2.5 liter motor in it.

    Sam was taking pictures. Here he is walking past Dick's GT3, a 959, and some other nice cars. I'm sure he was planning the 'gratuitous Jack Olsen shot' already.

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