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Thread: Screw type & mount for Fire Extinguisher?

  1. #1

    Screw type & mount for Fire Extinguisher?

    Not exactly a technical question, but figured this would be the best place to post....

    Just got (after 4 weeks) my Halon extinguisher from Pelican. It came with a mounting bracket, but no screws. 2 questions:

    1- what type of screws should I use?

    2 - (probably affects question 1) where should I mount the extinguisher? I don't have a harness bar or roll cage. I'm thinking the front of the tunnel, or on the lower firewall below the jump seats (worried about my kids playing w/it though). Suggestions wanted. Pic's appreciated.

    PS - car should be ready Tuesday after a week of final fixes to get it 'done'.
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
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  2. #2
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    This has come up before...

    If you don't have the safety stuff to attach the bottle to, where do you put it?

    The challenge compounds it's self with: Having it accessible from the drivers seat (a POC and PCA racing requirement) AND... not wanting to put holes in rare and expensive stuff.

    If your bottle is the normal 10 BC size or equivalent with a metal bracket...Here's one way I've found.

    You DO drill holes... but in a part that is very easy to replace.

    I mounted my extinguisher to the transmission coupler inspection cover plate.

    1. Put the extinguisher/w bracket on the plate so the nozzle is pretty close to the rear seat bulkhead.
    2. Mark where the four bracket mounting holes correspond to your cover.
    3. Take your cover plate off ( four Philips head screws)
    4. Drill the four corresponding bracket holes in the cover plate.
    5. Stand the bracket off the cover plate with spacers or a stack of washers to clear the bottle off the tunnel.
    6. Attach the bracket to the cover plate using screws that will go through the bracket, spacers/washers, and cover plate. And fasten with lock washers and nuts on the bottom of the plate. The screws should be just long enough for the washers and nuts. Use good hardware (the biggest that will fit through the holes in the braket. I used 'buttonhead' allan screws with plated nuts and washers.
    7. Reattach cover plate/bracket.
    8. Put bottle in bracket.

    This setup makes the extinguisher secure and accessible to the driver even with a 5 point harness... looks clean, AND if you want to remove it, you just take the bracket off and get 4 little black plastic plugs for the holes in the plate OR get another cover plate at a swap for about $5.00.

    Give me a PM for any questions...
    Hope this helps,
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

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  3. #3
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
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    I'm in the same boat. I wanted to mount the bottle in front of the passenger seat for easy access. I bought a mounting bracket from Stable Energies that doesn't fit sport seats (even though they assured me it would). They now say they have one in the works that will fit, hopefully available in the Spring.

    I'm waiting to hear from them, but I may end up doing exactly what Chuck described if the sport seat model doesn't come out soon.

    Front tunnel location would work great, but I agree with not wanting to drill holes in the floor.
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  4. #4
    JCR- would you be interested in selling your bracket?


  5. #5
    I used sheet metal screws into the tunnel. I figured that water wouldn't get in there and up thru the screws. Though, you can silicone or poly caulk the screws it you go thru the floorpan.

    I, of course, checked what might rub on the sharp end of the protruding screw. One might not want a sharp object sticking thru the floorpan. In that case, I would bolt it.

    I like Chuck's idea. You can always get another plate. to replace the one you drilled holes in. I think I'll go move mine.

  6. #6
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
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    Birmingham, MI

    I'd sell the part that mounts to the seat (just haven't gotten around to returning it yet). I want to keep the bottle clasp bracket though.

    Send me a PM or email.
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  7. #7

    Thanks AGAIN! Coupling bracket it is.
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

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