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Thread: Help at Rennsport

  1. #1

    Cool Help at Rennsport

    I just made reservations to go! It appears the West will have a good showing in the East. I am bringing my wife, Cheri with me. When she heard how many COOL CARS will be there, she said she just had to go? I think this had something to do with the first run she went on driving her own car at the Dunkels rgruppe run on Saturday. She had a blast, but at the half way point, she complained that her car was not FAST enough to keep up with the rest of us?? Heck, I had her in a 911E!! If any of you guys from the East know of any early S's for sale at Rennsport, let me know first, so I can steer her clear of them!! This trip is costing enough as it is!!! Help!!

  2. #2

    Future trend??????

    I see a pattern starting to grow here after the Dunkels Run.

    First, I get a e-mail from John Riz. saying his wife Gloria is looking for an Early 911. After Dunkels, me thinks Johns car is getting too WILD for the streets. Its turned into a mean Track car
    I know that Gloria has the knowledge and resources to build anything she wants. The right way, the first time.

    At the Dunkel's run, my girlfriend Letty drove my Boxster. After the run, she said she was going to be driving one of the Early 911's at the next Fun Run..

    Now, Cheri wants more h.p. for her Early 911? Or she will be getting an "S". I think thats great!!!

    Eade, see you in Daytona. I'm arriving Thursday night, staying at La Quinta. Same hotel as Sam and Roger. I'm leaving Monday morning.
    Ray Crawford
    Early S Registry #271
    R Gruppe #255
    '70 911 S Coupe 2.9 w/MFI Twin Plug "Flairs n Chairs"
    '72 911 S Targa 2.4 w/MFI

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