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Thread: R Gruppe Annual meeting in Monterey

  1. #1

    Thumbs up R Gruppe Annual meeting in Monterey

    R Gruppe Monterey 2004

    Official date and place set for the annual R Gruppe gathering as announced today by der Gruppemeister.
    When: April 30-May 2, 2004
    Where: Monterey, California
    Location: Hyatt Monterey
    Planned events: Cruise, Day at Laguna Seca Raceway for the U.S.Sports Car Invitational with special admission price and exclusive coral parking for R Gruppe cars only, and Banquet on Saturday night.
    We must have an accurate head count to get a special group room rate. We need to have 100 rooms reserved, we will have a reserved parking area for the R Gruppe so everyone has plenty of parking together.
    Please email your local Gruppemeister by NO LATER than 8 March so they can give Cris the head count.
    More details to follow shortly.
    Roger Grago
    R Gruppe #27

  2. #2

  3. #3



    Southern California R Gruppe members R.S.V.P. to me. Other local Gruppemeisters please post your information so your local members in your area can contact you.
    Hope this helps.

    Roger Grago
    R Gruppe #27

  4. #4

    Wink RSVP to me too


    Please RSVP to me via e-mail at:

    and cc your local "Chaptermeister".

    I need to get a good head count rightaway so I can make sure we can commit to the 100 rooms reserved for us.

    there will be a schedule of events to be posted in the R Gruppe website as well as here in the S Registry. In addition to those events Roger listed, our customary Friday welcoming party at a specially designated R Gruppe participants parking area where we will have our informal R Gruppe car show featuring our very own "Ducks in a Row" lineup. Remember no Q-tips allowed.

    An indoor banquet dinner with special presentation and prize drawing. Last year's theme was RALLYE MONTE-REY. For this year's event R Gruppe Gathering 2004, the event will be named TARGA FLORIO - R Gruppe 2004

    I look forward to hearing from many of you.

    best to all,

    Cris Huergas

    p.s. please wait for further instructions on booking the rooms for this event. I have made special arrangements with the Hyatt for a special rates for R members and participants. Because of this, it is not only important to mention R Gruppe when making your reservations, but you must know the R Gruppe secret password...

  5. #5

    Re: RSVP to me too

    Originally posted by Cris H
    your local "Chaptermeister".
    What is a "Chaptermeister" pray tell? No don't tell me I don't want to know. I could make some jokes about the R Gruppe becoming more German in it's organizational makeup. I will refrain from any such levity. The R Gruppe doesn't need me to make a joke out of them, they do fine all by themselves. So long my little R Gruppes have fun now at Monterey.
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

  6. #6

    Monterey Reservations MADE

    I am sure everyone knows if they are going. We have all received the e-mails to make the reservations.
    I made my reservations today, heading up Thursday the 29th. I don't want to miss any of the fun.
    Who has made their reservations??????? I know Thorsten and Roger has, who else???

    On a side note, for those with wives, girlfriends, who cannot make the drive.
    My girlfriend is flying up Friday night. She flies out of John Wayne Airport to LAX to Monterey. The price is 150.00 one way.
    To fly from LAX to Monterey on the SAME plane Friday night is $250.00 one way. I don't get it.

    See you all there
    Ray Crawford
    Early S Registry #271
    R Gruppe #255
    '70 911 S Coupe 2.9 w/MFI Twin Plug "Flairs n Chairs"
    '72 911 S Targa 2.4 w/MFI

  7. #7

    I'm IN!

    Ray, et al: I'm in. Can't wait. Unfortunately, Jennifer cannot make it this year....oh well!

    I made my reservation for Friday and Sat night, so I'm thinkin' of headin' North early Friday AM...However, IF it turns out that all 'DA BOYZ' are caravaning up Thursday, then I'm headin' up Thrusday....
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  8. #8
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Pasadena, CA


    WE are...going up on thursday...Sam, Dave,

  9. #9

    Thanks Curt!

    Thursday it is!!!
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  10. #10

    HEy 69SMAN

    Which of the BEASTIES are you taking North?
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

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