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Thread: Square weave carpet

  1. #1

    Square weave carpet

    Hi, Ive got a 72 911s. I'm putting in new tan carpets. I've seen the square weave and love the way it looks. They have it in either a oatmeal type (white & tan) and also plain tan.
    Would this type be appropriate for a 72S?
    Mine is a original Italian delivery car, and if theres any way I'd really like to use this square weave carpet, but of course I don't want to put in something thats absolutly incorrect.
    Any help?

  2. #2
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    The square weave carpet was only offered to the best of my knowledge in the 1965 912/911. It certainly was not offered after 1966.

    This carpet comes from the 356 era.

    Regards , Eric

  3. #3
    Ah Jeezze.
    I thought I saw this in some later cars?

  4. #4
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
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    Not absolutely correct but that weave is so great looking, especially in tan.
    If you like it in your car, why not?
    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

  5. #5
    I'd think it all depends on how hung up you are on originality...I think square weave, or even going back to the plain rubber mats of a 912 would look cool in a "semi lightweight" early 911 hotrod...
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  6. #6
    You know, I really like the look of the square weave. Compared to it, the regular carpet looks sort of cheezy.
    It's a tough choice as I am restoring this 72S as stock, basically a very nice street concours.
    Mmmm, what to do? I'm not sure. Thats why I asked.
    If someone says its possible, it's done.

  7. #7
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    In the 'Samples Guide' it looks like 'square weave' came on 356's B, and C's (couldn't find any reference to 912's Eric)

    It looks like you might look into # 000.551.571.00 in color groups 400, 500, and 600

    Hope this helps,
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

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  8. #8
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    I've got the same book as you......and i know what you are looking at....just the same, I've read (someplace) that it was offered, and seen a VERY early 912 car with square weave, but couldn't swear it was original.


  9. #9
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Originally posted by pwd72s
    ..even going back to the plain rubber mats of a 912 would look cool in a "semi lightweight" early 911 hotrod...
    I agree, but where do you source the rubber mats? I have never seen them offered anywhere, but they show up in RS and R lightweight restorations and replicas, so they must be available. Are they just custom made from bulk material, or is there someone out there making kits of the mats ready to fit?

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
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    Read my surf novel!

  10. #10

    Square Weave and Originality

    Just had the flickering bulb pop up over my head. In our quest for originality, I now recall how limited our options were on Porsche's products back in the early '70's, and beyond. Had the opportunity for multiple visits to the factory, one time in 1971, several in 1981-1982. Where the factory gave us three choices in the early '70's, tan, brown, black, the ROW pretty much had the sky as the limit. Still recall a factory rep commenting on how "you Americans are so conservative" in color/material preferences. When ordering my U.S. spec SC, the factory was willing to pull up any upholstery material they'd ever used, and even offered to use material I provided. I still have a sample somewhere that the rep suggested for my black targa-- black velour with red pinstripes for the inserts, black leather with red piping for the rest of the seat. Being a conservative [German] American, I went with the tan interior.

    Bottom line: if you like it, go with the square weave.

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