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Thread: wheels weight

  1. #1
    1973 911 # 58 Francois Duval's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Montreal , Canada

    Smile wheels weight

    Hi , would like to know which wheels are the lightest ?
    15 X 6 fuchs or 15 X 7 ATS cookie cutters.

    What is the best track wheel in your opinion.....?

    Francois Duval

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI
    How 'bout dualie Mahle Gas Burners in the rear.

    Wide, light and CHEAP!

    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  4. #4
    There's no doubt, a 6x15 Fuchs is going to be significantly lighter than a 7x15 CC. Even a 7x15 Fuchs will weigh less. I'd estimate at least 2-3 lbs.

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