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Thread: 1967 911s

  1. #1

    1967 911s

    Hi everyone

    I'm looking to buy a 67S and wanted to know how I can determine if the engine is the original one installed before I buy. Would the chassis number on the data plate have the S on the end or would it have just the numbers? It has an engine serial number that fits into the engine number range, but is it original? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  2. #2
    no way to really tell since engine numbers weren't sequential to the car VIN's back then. If the engine number is in the range of
    960001 thru 96111144 it's probably correct, but only factory records (read kardex costing over $100 these days) will tell for sure which engine came with which car.
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3
    would the chassis# on the data plate have an S on the end?
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Seattle WA
    Yes, the data plate will have an S on the end of it. Best place to check is in the trunk, just behind and to the left of the spare tire.

    In terms of telling whether the engine is correct to the car, you could post a chassis number and engine number, and one of us will be able to tell you if it's correct as those of us who received the registry listings will be able to tell from other cars serial numbers what the correct engine number range should be.

    Perhaps that's not clear, but there is an early S registry, and in the questionnaire we filled out when we joined the club, we list are serial number , and our engine number. This list is mailed out to members of the club.

    One thing to make note of, the ID plate that is on the door frame only holds six digits, therefore sometimes the S looks like it's stamped in as an afterthought or as an attempt to deceive.

    In addition, the 1967S has a lot of detail trim that the stock 67 911 does not have.

    Regards, Eric

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