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Thread: door pockets-decal

  1. #1

    door pockets-decal

    Does anyone know a good (read cheap) place to but interior trim for a 70 911?
    Or does anyone have a car they are parting out that i get those pieces.
    I am also looking for the 2.2 back window decal.

  2. #2
    There is or was a nearly complete door panel set up from a 70 car on Ebay here in Va Beach. As for the 2.2 decal, they are now again available through your dealer. The classic porsche site is pretty darn good with some cool video and pictures.
    70 911E
    R Gruppe #295

  3. #3
    thanks for the lead but couldnt find the ebay listing.

  4. #4
    Looks like it ended a couple of days ago, sorry.
    70 911E
    R Gruppe #295

  5. #5
    no sweat;
    I will try to get a decal from the dealer.

  6. #6
    Try Tweeks, now Mid America Motorworks. Part number 408-441, $7.99.

    Hal Michael
    2008 Audi RS4
    2006 Porsche Cayman S
    1970 911 Targa 2.7 (sold)

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