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Thread: Early vs. late wheels?

  1. #1

    Early vs. late wheels?

    Looking to go to 15 x 6 at all four corners to replace my 14's......saw an ad that states" late 3 prong cap".....? Can some1 explain the diffs bet early and late and if one is preferred?....TIA

  2. #2
    Late 3 prong? That is odd as the early design was 3 prong and went to a circumferential spring clip in 74 or 75 (I think). Any deep six will be 3 prong
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  3. #3
    Maybe the seller is confused. Nick, otherwise is there any visual differences bet the wheels w/ different style cap connectors?

  4. #4
    Hi Joel

    Not the best pictures but they should clarify the difference. Early 3 prong (3mm lip, then recess) on the top, later style (small groove) below

    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  5. #5
    Nick, thanx for pics ,they make things clear.....just curious as I cannot reach seller today....he states they are from 75.....would that year have complete black centers or silver spokes w/black background as our early cars????? TIA

  6. #6
    spoke to seller...'75 has the silver spokes.........

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