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Thread: Period decals/graphics wanted

  1. #1
    Senior Member Homemade 911's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    China Lake - Third Rock From The Sun

    Period decals/graphics wanted

    A while back I had asked about side stripes for the Homemade 911 vintage racer...Among the responses, I received a very good reference from Jack Olsen on that one - Thanks Jack.

    This time, I'm looking for a source or two of vintage, period authentic/correct decals that would be appropriate for a "sorta FIA spec" 911 Racer from '68 to, oh, lets say, '72 timeframe. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to take a B/W photo of the car, and not be able to tell when it was taken (for the most part anyway, the 50 series race tires, modern safety gear, and roll cage will most likely give it away... ) The car is just about ready for this will be the next cosmetic step...

    Any ideas? recommendations? anyone? Thanks, looking forward to the input.
    Thom Kuby

    PS - (for anyone in L.A. or San Diego, etc) if anybody's sitting around at home, bored...come on out to Willow Springs and check out some vintage racing. VARA is running a two-day event this weekend. It's sponsored by Bankers' Express Mortgage...a firm owned by a serious 2.0 liter 911 racer (who will be there of course) So, come on out! I'll be driving the Tuttle-Click Pace Car all weekend - so stop by, introduce yourself. Also - although I haven't spoken to him lately - The Registry's own Fred Trueman ought to be there as well with his green CP1 911S.

  2. #2

    ask Mark

    Thom, you should email Mark Powell at Boxstar Racing.

    He researched period correct racing decals at length when he was preparing and racing his beautiful 68 2.0 vintage coupe. That was before he switched to some old 356 car.

    Super nice race guy and a cool site. In fact, he sometimes posts here too...Mark...join in!

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  3. #3

    Oh, and Thom...

    you know I love your car, I hope to see you race it one day. More early car paint work here .

    Some great shots of your car in that thread.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

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