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Thread: a question re: ride ht(again)

  1. #1

    a question re: ride ht(again)

    What is the best tool to use to DIY change front ride ht?(what size on 70T?) many turns(approx) are needed to move say 1/2 " up or down?; if bolt is ez to get to, is it ok to do when car is on ground?....any caveat's to this if only 1/2" change is desired?....I realize an align. or corner balance should be considered.......TIA:

  2. #2
    On my 70s, i used a large allen wrench.
    As for the amount of turns, i found it was a trial and error.
    The screw to make the adjustment is at the end of the torsion bar facing down.

    good luck

  3. #3

    ride height adjusting

    After reading your post I guess you are refering to the front ride height adjustment since you refer to turning a screw.
    The front torsion bar stop screws (which adjust the ride height) are easily accessable from under the car when it is sitting on its tires (even if the car is pretty low). I like to use a 1/2 drive ratchet handle and socket. The bolts can be a bit stiff to turn with weight on them. There is not rule of thumb as to the number of turns you must turn them to get, say, a half inch of movement up or down. It is critical to roll car back and forth at least one full tire circumferance before you measure the height again. I also bounce on top of the fender. You need to seat the parts and let the tire assume its correct position. Failure to do this will give a false reading at the wheel arch lip. You'll be up and down fron under the car a few times but it really only takes a few minutes per side so it's nothing like the hassle of checking and redadjusting the rear bars. Godd luck.

  4. #4
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Topanga Canyon, CA
    Ride height might change the cosmetics but if you want to improve handling? Deal with the alignment and corner balancing.

    My ride height was raised from "Euro" height after installing new shocks and rebalancing my car. It only handles about 1000% better.
    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

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