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Thread: car polish

  1. #1

    car polish

    What is the best car polish for a paint job that is faded?
    Any suggestions for getting the paint to shine a bit.

  2. #2
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI
    I swear by 3 products (in order of abrasiveness).
    Blue Magic Polish
    3M Imperial Hand Glaze
    Blitz Wax

    Start with a mix of Blue Magic & Hand Glaze on a soft terry cloth towel (don't use BM on it's own with paint). Lessen BM amount in mix as color comes back - until all swirls are gone. One good rub with IHG alone. Seal it all up with Blitz Wax, apply it with your hand, the heat helps "melt" it into microscopic cracks. Lots of work, but the results are worth it.

    Hint: Don't let your significant other see the hand rub down part...
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  3. #3
    thanks alot.
    Any opinion on Mequiar's car products?

  4. #4
    I also use what Jared uses and LOVE them...Blitz is great w/ your bare hands..and comes off ez....

  5. #5
    Originally posted by scargo70
    thanks alot.
    Any opinion on Mequiar's car products?
    I've used Meguiar's for years. A good product line. As long as you stick with proven products, I believe that the brand isn't as important as the "elbow grease" used....
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  6. #6
    The Meguires proffessional line off polishing agents and buffing compunds is high quality as are the 3M products. You will find both at auto paint supply stores, not at the FLAPS. When paint gets faded, it is oxidized and the oxidation needs to be removed by polishing or even color sanding with 2000 grit. I really like professionals for this. I can paint cars, but I think the trained talent required to polish out a car is a separate and specific operation. Once you get the car to it's best, mainteance is easy with the Meguires Glaze or other types of wax such as carnuba based products.

  7. #7
    be sure to use a random orbit buffer (I use a P/C sander since I'm too cheap to pay $200 for another motorized gadget that takes up space).

    I like to use Meguiar's Body Scrub -- just keep doing it over and over until the pad no longer turns color from the removal of oxidized paint. (Wash pads in between treatments).

    Next, use a cleaner (Meguiar's terminology) and then a polish. Then wax - a thin coat. I put 2 or 3 thin coats on the front to help with bug hits.

    You prob. won't need to clay as the removal of old paint should dislodge anythnig stuck in the surface. Meguiar's has an 800 # to call for help.

    Folks say the NXT line from Meguiar's is super - too new for me to try. It apparently lasts a long time which sounds like an important factor for you (since it is likely to oxidize again since it did it once).

    The most imp. thing to do for the car's surface is to park in a carport of garage. Sun kills the wax and then goes to work on the paint. If youlive in a polluted area (e.g. LA, Phoenix etc. the high ozone levels will just eat up the wax, paint, rubber and your lungs).

  8. #8
    Is a glaze a polish?

    My car is really it that a danger in removing the paint with scrub?

  9. #9
    Originally posted by scargo70
    Is a glaze a polish?
    No. It's an easy way to get a nice new shine on your car without extensive rubbing and buffing. I use it to "touch" up my bikes since it's quick and easy and doens't have any abrasives in it.
    3M "Pink" is my all time favorite. Glaze does not last forever but it will do a nice job with little effort.

    Unfortunately, it cannot make up for worn out paint.


    P.S. I also use products like "Final Inspection" once a car is cleaned, polished and waxed or for touch ups just before showing.
    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  10. #10
    "Is a glaze a polish?"

    - Maybe! There is no standard definition industry wide. I use the Meguair's terminology, but not all manfs. follow that.

    Find a brand you like and stick with it.

    The biggest difference in longevity will be an overhead shaded area to park in - carport or garage.

    BTW, covers can scratch -- I bought a PAG cover on eBay just becuz it was sooo cheap, but haven't used it yet.

    Never use a cover on a trailer -- as it flaps it abrades the paint.

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