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Thread: Probably an incredibly dumb question, but...

  1. #1

    Probably an incredibly dumb question, but...

    Will any of these work on our cars?

  2. #2
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    How could you be so STOOOPID! Just kidding, actually it's a great question.

    I spoke with a district representative about these-

    The Torque-Thrust II Classic (series CL205). He called "Central Comand" and said that he had a listing for the 911 and gave me a reasonable price of $265 each. I never followed up on it, so I don't know if this is all reality or not. Although I was pretty psyched about the prospect.

    This is the wheel that Ford used on the new Mustang Bullit.
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    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  3. #3
    Somebody hold me down. These are what the doctor ordered! Now I have to know if they have something that will work.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Jens
    How could you be so STOOOPID! Just kidding, actually it's a great question.

    I spoke with a district representative about these-

    The Torque-Thrust II Classic (series CL205). He called "Central Comand" and said that he had a listing for the 911 and gave me a reasonable price of $265 each. I never followed up on it, so I don't know if this is all reality or not. Although I was pretty psyched about the prospect.

    This is the wheel that Ford used on the new Mustang Bullit.
    Width & offset options? Will they clear the brake calipers? OMYGAWD...if so, this would be even better than hanging a pair of fuzzzzy dice while parked in a PCA "marque parking" corral...

    (edit) some of you younger guys may not understand, but this was "the" wheel on many a midnight 1/4 mile street racer during the mid 1960's...and I'm talking Chevrolet, Pontiac, MOPAR, etc.
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  5. #5
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I need to ammend that a little. It was the Torq-Thrust II Custom Offset (Series 405). AR's web pages don't show the 911 bolt circle but I was told it was availlable.

    A reality check is called for. You know, due diligence. I never followed up.

    This is the wheel-
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    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  6. #6
    Originally posted by pwd72s

    (edit) some of you younger guys may not understand, but this was "the" wheel on many a midnight 1/4 mile street racer during the mid 1960's...and I'm talking Chevrolet, Pontiac, MOPAR, etc.
    I didn't like it then and I still don't like it. In the mid '60's, I had Halibrands. Now, that's the business!

  7. #7
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    I first saw a set on a street/track prepared 356 coupe. My thoughts then were that it was a sacrilege that muscle america had crossed over to and tainted sports cars. I was driving Mini Coopers when everyone else had GTOs and Mustangs.

    Now of course they look the balls to me. Fuchs are nice too though.

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    I would be really suprised if they are able to make the offset needed for a non flared 911. The bolt circle is one thing but I belive that with the two piece design of the TTII's that you cannot get the 4 3/4" backspacing needed to fit them on an early car. Probably would work on an SC. I could be wrong tho

    For what it is worth, there is a difference in the Hot-Rod "Americans" and the Sports Racer "Americans". The Hot Rods and most musclecars used the standard straight spoke wheels that had the ridge running the length of the spoke. For the disc brake equiped Corvettes, Shelby Mustangs and Cobra's, American created the D-spoke which has the arched spokes. (similar to pictured above) The Porsche wheels came along a few years later and are easily identified by the goofy positive offset that placed the spokes all the way out toward the face of the rim.

    So, the D-spokes would be a fairly accurate replica of the Aluminum Porsche wheels of the 60's if you were able to get the offset made.
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  10. #10
    Heres a cool car for inspiration. The wheels are original 15x7" aluminum Torque Thrusts.
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    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

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