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Thread: Help Me ID 4.5" Fuchs Wheels

  1. #1

    Help Me ID 4.5" Fuchs Wheels

    I recently bought a '67 912 with 4.5" Fuchs alloy wheels. I removed them with the intent to sell them as their value is almost as much as the car. After I removed them I found that two of them had a 901 part number, 4.5Jx15 and the fox symbol on the inside. One had no Porsche part number, 4.5Jx15 and the fox symbol stamped near the center hole. The last wheel had no Porsche part number, no size number but does have a fox symbol near the center hole. Does anyone have an explanation? I'm pretty sure these wheels were not ordered with the car but likely installed later, but at least 30 years ago? Are they all legit '67S Fuchs alloys? I can't believe that 4.5" repro Fuchs were ever manufactured. Any ideas out there?

  2. #2

    I do not have...

    the part number available at this moment. Most early fuchs are date stamped. The 4.5JX15 wheels only had one year of it should be easy...right?

    I hope this helps for more back of wheel ID info. All my books are boxed up.

    Early Fuchs ID thread.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  3. #3


    Look at what I discovered while researching the correct fuchs part number. Fuchs History

    Jack Olsen rocks! No part number yet Rescue...The Brits will be up soon and cover this subject like moss on a rock. He he.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  4. #4
    Good morning Shawn!

    I have some 4.5" that have the part number and size in a red stencil. This is difficult to read and can be removed by over-judicious cleaning. These rims don't have date stamp either, but do have the Fox stamp in the centre
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  5. #5
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Originally posted by nick-moss
    I have some 4.5" that have the part number and size in a red stencil.
    I also had a set of these with the red stencil and no embossed part number on a '66 911 that had been converted to "S" specs. I would guess that they were very early in the Fuchs production, and that the dies were altered to include the part number at some later point when they were refreshed by the factory.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
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  6. #6
    Sounds like the two without porsche numbers must be the early "red stencil" variety. I'll clean off the dirt and look for that. My concern is that I intend to sell them and don't want to misreperesent them. There are a lot of replica Fuchs out there in larger sizes but I'm hoping no such thing exists for 4.5's.

  7. #7
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    There are quite a few members of the registry , who have had many sets of the 4.5 wheels. None of us has ever come across a wheel, that was a replica. Since most replica wheels are cast rather than forged they are usually pretty easy to spot.

    Everyone I have spoken to, comes to the same conclusion, that there was a run of the wheels that were red stamped with the part number , rather than having the number cast.

    I bought a complete car, low mileage, but needing total restoration out of St. Louis, about two years ago. The car was absolutely complete , including all five alloys. Two of the alloys had no part number on them, but I could see faint tracings of an inked . part number underneath the dirt.

    Will you be parting out the whole car, or just the wheels?


    Eric .
    Seattle Washington

  8. #8
    Thanks Eric. I plan to do some fix-up and sell the 912. It is a pretty decent car. Frankly, I prefer steel wheels/hubcaps on that car anyway. I intend to sell the wheels separately as I don't believe a 912 buyer would pay $5000 for a $3000 car just because it had 4.5 alloys.

  9. #9
    Slightly OT, but do the R wheels also have a stenciled on ink # instead of a stamped part #?

    I recently bought a pair of R wheels and noticed that there were not any part #'s stamped in. Is that correct?

    Thanks to all of the gurus!
    2015 McLaren 650S spider
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  10. #10
    The 7Rs that I had recently had stencilled part numbers.

    I beleive that 7Rswere originally made by spinning out the rim on a deep six, rather than having a seperate die.

    Now I am ready to be shot down by the other gurus out there
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

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