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Thread: Front Bumperettes

  1. #1

    Front Bumperettes

    What SWB years had the Bumperettes and which did not? Also has anyone converted from the bumperette to the non? Did you retain the old bumper or replace it with a different year? Thanks AJ
    1967 911

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Suffolk, VA
    It seems to me all SWB USA cars had front bumperettes. I usually removed mine because the car then looks better to me. The 69-73 front bumper can be made to fit, (the S lip one included) but it is a Kluge.
    1970 911S Coupe (Burgundrot) (sold)
    1967 911 Coupe (Light Ivory) (mostly gone)
    1966 911 Coupe (Sand Beige) (sold)
    Van Diemen RF99 Formula Continental
    Citation F1000 on the way
    Van Diemen Hayabusa SCCA Formula S (sale pending)
    Other Early 911/912/914

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