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Thread: Rennsport II Pics

  1. #1
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI

    Rennsport II Pics

    That was one hell of a show! Amazing to walk into a garage and have to decide what too look at first... Attwood/Herrmann 917, McQueen's Gulf 917, Elford/Larrousse 908.03, 910, 911R, 904, Seinfeld's Gmund Coupe #02 in original condition... then, Brian Redman walks by, jumping into a Salzburg 917 - firing it up to take out for a few laps! AMAZING!!!

    It was great to meet some the Registry and Rgruppe guys, and put some faces to the names.
    Here's a few pics, I'm sure lots more will be coming.

    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  2. #2
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI

    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  3. #3
    Great pics Jared.
    Good finely meeting you!

  4. #4

    Great pictures!! Sorry we did not get a chance to talk more. After the parade lap I had to get back to my job crewing for a friend's 914. Sure enjoyed the opportunity to see what you look like in real life. Not to mention the opportunity to meet Jens and the reast of the crowd of crazies.

    The capitalist roader

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