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Thread: Tour de Lebanon, April 28, 2004

  1. #1

    Tour de Lebanon, April 28, 2004

    Tour de Lebanon is over. Tom Wilkinson is on his way back to Moscow by The Willamette (aka Portland) as I type. A great time was had by both participants. First a little run via backroads up towards Sweet Home in a green mostly stock 1972 911S...Tom and I trading the "chore" of driving. Then another run over roughly the same route, driving duties exchanged in Tom's orange '73 bomb. How to descibe Tom's car? Imagine a 2.7 RS with slightly more power, much better Turbo brakes, and no stripes, tails, or spoiler. In a short driving review, delivered with adrenalin still pumping? Guys, Tom's '73 is "da bomb"...the real deal when it comes to a hot rod early 911. Not original is an understatement, but Tom's thought about every aspect of this Non original shows in the details...too many to describe. I wish I could say I was smooth in Tom's car...nope. Found myself cussing myself over little goofs I made. Nothing major like shifting from 5th to 2nd..just enough goofs to make me realize that Tom's car would take more seat time than I had to really get's different and more powerful enough from my car that I was nervous.
    Man, those brakes! I mean...Turbo brakes are 7 league boots ahead of the S aluminum calipers...I found myself applying them much sooner than need be. A 2.7? Done with a bit more than the RS's 210 horsepower? Uh, yeah..."adequate". Poor's torque curve is so strong he can't enjoy the kick in the pants that the S cams deliver @ 5,000...nope, his engine just pulls and pulls and pulls in a seemingly flat line.
    This a formal event?'s just that we'd wanted to get together for quite some time...each getting a turn behind the other's steering wheel. So Tom came down in order to enjoy some of the backroads around my smaller town. Since neither of us could make Monterey, we did our own thing today.
    After the running of the cars..a nice chicken dinner by Cindy...Burp! Tom isn't driving home hungry...
    Man, what a GREAT day! So, I just had to brag a bit...
    Oh, I'll hook a file pic of Tom's know, it looked right at home next to my green machine in the garage...
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    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  2. #2
    What a great day Paul!
    Just got home, the 911 cooling down for the evening.
    Driving your S was an experience that I truly enjoyed, and appreciate given the condition of the car. As close to driving a new 911S back in 72 as I'll ever come. The car felt tight and everything just "snicked" and purred.
    The twisty back roads you picked were classic 911 stomping grounds.
    Long straights, S curves, hairpins, for miles and miles with next to no traffic to spoil it.
    After that fun run, the wonderful dinner.
    Again, what a great day.

    Hope the guys in Monterey have as much fun as Paul and I did.

    Tom Wilkinson
    R Gruppe #130

  3. #3
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Surf City USA

    You both will be missed this weekend. Looks like you guyz had a great time !!!

    any more pic's...???

    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  4. #4
    Alas, no digital camera here...but I did take a few with the old 35mm point & shoot...Yeah, we're missing Monterey, but we did try to make up for it a bit. One aspect of living in a small population area that you soucal guys would have loved...2 lane roads, smooth for the most part. Up & down hills, corners marked 25-35...and ZILCH for traffic. I could tell, Tom's orange Tiger enjoyed her off leash moments... (edit) Can you guys tell? I mean, I've always admired Tom's that I've driven it? Gawd, what a fantastic car! How do you describe a perfect balance between hot rod race bits & street? It's the next morn, and my adrenalin is still pumping. Maybe I'll calm down as I spend a few hours in the garage "debugging" Irish green paint.
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

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